Cáritas Diocesana Ciudad Rodrigo launches a new training action on “Auxiliary operations for felling trees with a chainsaw”. Eight people participate in this training financed by European Funds. It has begun this Monday October 2 and will end on December 22, 2023. In total, there are 220 hours. (100 theoretical hours developed in different modules and 120 practical hours on farms with the aim of acquiring sufficient skill with a chainsaw).
The modules of this training action are:
Felling and processing trees with a chainsaw
-MI.I: Start-up and maintenance of the chainsaw
-MI.II: Tree felling with chainsaw
MII: Execution of work at height in trees
-MII.I: Pruning techniques at height
-MII.II: Climbing techniques and equipment
In addition, the transversal skills modules of: Digital Skills, Environmental Awareness, Equality, Labor Rights and Occupational Risk Prevention are added.
The Non-Work Practices (NLP) will be carried out in the Anjiverforex company. This is the third time that Cáritas Diocesana Ciudad Rodrigo has launched specific training in felling trees with a chainsaw.
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