Home » News » Cáritas denounces with the reading of a manifesto that the homeless are “out of coverage”

Cáritas denounces with the reading of a manifesto that the homeless are “out of coverage”

After the presentation of the campaign for the Homeless, which took place on October 27, a manifesto was read today in the Plaza del Arenal to make visible the reality of people who do not have a roof or a decent home.

Focusing on the slogan of this year’s campaign, “Out of coverage”, David Barrena and Miguel Ángel Arencibia, participants of the “El Salvador” Day Center, have read this manifesto to denounce the extreme vulnerability experienced by homeless people, who are being left out of social relations, normalized public space, access to their right to housing, employment and social protection.

Throughout the morning, Cáritas Diocesana has been present in this central square in Jerez with an awareness-raising table to bring the campaign and the work carried out with this group closer to the public.

This is the manifesto that was read this morning:


Disconnecting in this world is experienced as a loss in terms of possibilities and opportunities; procedures, work, consumption, relationships and communications, but what does it mean for people, who find ourselves in serious social exclusion, to live WITHOUT CONNECTION?

Without connection public services in the community in which they live.

Without connection of social relationships, family relationships.

Without connection to your physical and mental health.

Without connection of their own personal resources and possibilities.

Without connection to their own DIGNITY, deserving of the right to freedom,

to education, culture, health, work, housing, to build a family, to participate in the society in which we live without connection to the Right to LIFE.

But, on the contrary, we see ourselves, CONNECTED to loneliness, to homelessness, to the looks of rejection and denial, to itinerant social attention, to the care gaze that generates dependency.

We believe that it is necessary to implement strategies that help alleviate this situation, and provide integrated resources that dignify the lives of homeless people.

The social and lifestyle crisis is hitting the most vulnerable people. The more dimensions of life are in a vulnerable situation, the more likely we are to be excluded.

Let’s connect with a broad and complex view of the realities and vital itineraries. Homeless people are getting younger and more diverse. There are more and more women who always start from situations that are invisible to society.

For all this, we also ask the administrations and the political class to CONNECT with the realities of all people, to CONNECT with the lives of homeless people. That they connect with the difficulties of trying to get out of residential exclusion and that they apply courageous housing policies. Housing is a right that is being violated.

Is this the society we want?

Let’s connect with life in common and with interdependence

Don’t let them get DISCONNECTED,

don’t DISCONNECT yourself from the common world.

Don’t let them go OUT OF COVERAGE

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