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Cargo solidarity strike carried out… “Tactile” damage in Pohang, Gumi, etc.


While cargo unions announced a general strike on the 24th,
Concerned about the damage due to logistics disruption
Tensions also rise in Pohang and Gumi.

Gyeongsangbuk-do and local governments have launched an emergency response,
The police also prevent disruption in logistics transportation
Responsiveness has been strengthened.

This is reporter Lee Jung-mok’s report.


Korean Confederation of Trade Unions Union of Public Transportation Workers
The basic requirements of the seat of cargo solidarity are
The abolition of the sunset system of the safe tariff system and
Expansion of applicable vehicle articles, etc.

before last June
As a condition for ending the strike which lasted for a total of 8 days,
Sustainability Promotion Division Safety Tariff System
He promised to change the law
Then the Ministry of the Territory, Infrastructure and Transport
Deny the purpose of introducing a secure fare system
That you broke the deal.

Dangjeong-ri’s safe fare system
Regarding the 3 year extension
It is said to be a “half-extension plan” that eliminates shipper liability
Nailed it.

[김동수 / 화물연대 대구경북지역본부장 : 첫째로는 합의가 지켜지지 않기 때문에 총파업에 다시 돌입하는 거고요. 정부의 입장은 안전운임제만 3년 연장하고 품목확대는 안된다. 그리고 화주 처벌 안된다. 이런 내용으로 법안개악을 하기 때문에 저희들이 총파업을 들어갈 수 밖에..]

Let the strike come true
The government rejects illegal transportation or
About sabotage
It is our policy to respond strictly.

[한덕수 / 국무총리 : 안전운임제 연장 문제는 이미 국회를 중심으로 논의가 진행되고 있습니다. 현장의 요구에 귀 기울이며 대화하되 법과 원칙을 어기는 행위는 어떠한 경우에도 용납하지 않겠습니다.]

In the cargo union strike that entered the countdown
Pohang and Gumi regions where industrial complexes are concentrated
He is in a state of hypertension.

In Pohang, most of the 2,000 cargo union members
It is known that the strike will take place
The Daegu-Gyeongbuk branch of Cargo Solidarity, such as Gumi and Gimcheon,
On the 24th we decided to hold a ceremony in front of the Gumi Town Hall.

In particular, in the case of Pohang
Typhoon Hinnam Noro and Pohang Works
However great the damage to companies in the iron and steel industrial complex was,
If the additional logistics is crippled
The blow can only be greater
I keep an eye on it.

Gyeongbuk-do, Pohang-si, Gumi-si, etc.
The Emergency Response Headquarters was launched.
Real-time understanding of the logistics transportation status
emergency preparedness, etc.
We are working to minimize the damage.

[포항시 관계자(음성변조) : 물류 운행 차질 피해를 최소화 하기 위해 일반형 화물차와 견인형 특수 자동차, 자가용 차량에 대해서 유상 운송 허가를 16일부터 실시해 물류 운행에 투입될 수 있도록 준비하고 있습니다.]

Meanwhile, police said the cargo regiment
around major sites and commercial intersections
Interfere with the transportation of third-party vehicles, etc.
We will take strict measures against illegal activities.

This is HCN News Lee Jeong-mok.

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