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Cares for Education, Youth in Langkaplancar Pangandaran Establish TBM

Pangandaran News, (harapanrakyat.com), – A group of youths in Bangunjaya Village, Langkaplancar, Pangandaran Regency, West Java, established a TBM or community reading park.

This TBM was deliberately established to help fulfill children’s educational facilities.

This community reading park is named Lebani or Madani Reading Lantern.

Asep Saepul Milah, one of the initiators of the Lebani TBM, Bangunjaya Village, Langkaplancar, said that this TBM was founded by 9 youths on the basis of concern for the fate of children’s education.

“We are village youths but not tycoons, this is a form of our concern by establishing TBM Lebani,” said Asep, Wednesday (20/10/2021).

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The team that initiated the Lebani TBM consists of youth in the village and also students.

“This TBM was established on August 15, 2021, thank God, we carry out routine activities every Sunday from 09.00 to 15.00 WIB,” he said.

This activity at the Lebani TBM in Bangunjaya Village, Lkap Smooth, is free of charge.

Meanwhile, the manager has provided for the need for food during break time.

Asep explained that the purpose of establishing the Lebani TBM was motivated by concerns about children who now use gadgets more.

“Children now use gadgets more, while interaction between peers is less,” he said.

Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, online learning is not very effective.

“We hope that through this TBM, children’s interest in reading will increase and children’s reasoning power to think critically can emerge,” he hoped.

In addition to carrying out literacy activities, TBM Lebani in Bangunjaya Village, Langkaplancar, also teaches local community wisdom in the form of games or Kaulinan barudak in the past and also martial arts. (Ceng2/R8/HR Online/Jujang Editor)

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