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Career: Awards May 2022 – Research & Teaching

Björn Carlson Baltic Sea Prize

Professor Maren VossLeibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, receives the award, endowed with three million Swedish crowns (approx. 300,000 euros), from the Swedish Björn Carlson Baltic Sea Foundation.

German business prize

Professor Andreas Löschel, University of Bochum, is honored by the Joachim Herz Foundation and receives prize money of 150,000 euros. Three awards are given to young scientists: 1st place, endowed with 25,000 euros: Dr. Andrew barleyUniversity of Mannheim, and Stefan Lamp, Ph.D., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 2nd place, endowed with 15,000 euros: Björn Bos, University of Hamburg. 3rd place, endowed with 10,000 euros: Jiaxin ZhaoUniversity of Oxford, and Assistant Professor Linus MattauchTU Berlin.

DPG research prize

Dr. Kevin Peikert, Rostock University Hospital, Dr. medical josephine Waldthaler, University Hospital Marburg, and Dr. medical Isabel FriedrichLeipzig University Hospital, receive the award, each endowed with 100,000 euros, from the German Society for Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders.


Professor Markus cabinetDr. Amrei Bahr and dr David Löwenstein and the four philosophy students: Julia FreseDavid NiemannChristoph Sapp and Berit Whiteall University of Düsseldorf, are recognized as the winning team by the German Research Foundation and the Stifterverband and receive prize money of 50,000 euros.

Ars legendi faculty prize for medicine

Privatdozentin Dr. Susanne Gerhardt-Nice, polyclinic for conservative dentistry at the University of Frankfurt aM, and Dr. Gunther HempelUniversitätsklinikum Leipzig, receive the award, endowed with 30,000 euros, from the Stifterverband and the Medical Faculty Association.

Thuringian Research Prize

Professor Thomas Hannappel and his team, Technical University of Ilmenau, are honored by the Free State of Thuringia in the basic research category and receive prize money of 25,000 euros. Professor Cornelia BetschUniversity of Erfurt, and Professor Sebastian BooksUniversity of Jena, and their teams are awarded in the category “Applied Research” and each receive 12,500 euros.

Otto Warburg Medal

Professor Stephanie DimmelerUniversity of Frankfurt aM, receives the award, endowed with 25,000 euros, from the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and its cooperation partners Elsevier and Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.

Leipzig Science Prize

Professor Christian WirthUniversity of Leipzig and Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, receives the award, which is endowed with 10,000 euros, from the city of Leipzig, the University of Leipzig and the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig.

German Cancer Prize

Professor Salah-Eddin Al-Batran, Northwest Hospital, Frankfurt aM, is awarded by the German Cancer Society and the German Cancer Foundation in the category “Clinical Research”; Professor Frank WinklerGerman Cancer Research Center and Heidelberg University Hospital, in the category “Translational Research” and Professor Mathias Heikenwälder, German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg, in the category “Experimental Research”. Each category is endowed with 7,500 euros.

Gmelin-Beilstein commemorative medal

Professor Gisbert SchneiderETH Zurich, receives the award, endowed with 7,500 euros, from the Society of German Chemists.

Gustav Hertz Prize

Dr. David BrucknerLMU Munich, receives the award, endowed with 7,500 euros, from the German Physical Society.

Adolf Windorfer Prize

Professor Mark Oliver WielpützHeidelberg University Hospital, receives the award, endowed with 5,000 euros, from Mukoviszidose eV

Jochen Block Prize

junior professor dr. Kai Steffen Exner, University of Duisburg-Essen, receives the award, which is endowed with 3,000 euros, from the German Society for Catalysis.

DAGStat Medal

Professor Göran Kauermann and honorary professor Walter Radermacherboth LMU Munich, was awarded the medal by the German Statistical Working Group.

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