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Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk

🔨 Cards Against Humanity vs Elon Musk: A $15 Million Legal Battle. How Simple Entertainment Becomes a Tool for Activism.

Board games: when entertainment becomes a tool for activism. The case of Cards Against Humanity

What if our passion for board games unknowingly transformed us into political activists?

Imagine for a moment: you are comfortably seated around a table, ready to start a game of your favorite game, when suddenly, you learn that the authors of this same game have just filed a lawsuit against none other than Elon Musk.

No, this is not the pitch for a science fiction movie, but the surprising reality we live in. Welcome to the world of modern board games, where entertainment rubs shoulders with political activism.

Cards Against Humanity, the irreverent card game that has won over 4 million players worldwide according to 2023 sales figures, has just proven that it is much more than just entertainment. Two days ago, the game publisher just filed a lawsuit against SpaceX, Elon Musk’s space company, for the astronomical sum of… $15 million.

Max Temkin, co-creator of Cards Against Humanity, explains: “Our lawsuit is not just about property. It is a stand against those who believe their wealth places them above the law and their commitments to the community.”

A bold strategy worthy of the best strategy games

The story begins in 2017, when Donald Trump announced his plans to build a wall on the border between the United States and Mexico. Faced with this controversial decision, the creators of Cards Against Humanity decided to take action in a way that was as… creative as it was unexpected.

Thanks to an ingenious crowdfunding campaign, they managed to raise over $2 million from 150,000 backers. Each contributor paid $15 to collectively acquire a plot of land on the borderwith the explicit aim of hindering the construction of the wall.

This strategy is reminiscent of game mechanics like “Carcassonne” or “Catan”, where the strategic acquisition of territories can change the course of the game. Except that here, the stakes go far beyond the playful framework.

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The publisher has also just opened a website to present the whole case to the public.

Cards Against Humanity sues Elon MuskThe land owned by Cards Against Humanity BEFORE the illegal installation of Elon Musk and his company SpaceX in 2017

Cards Against HumanityThe land belonging to Cards Against Humanity AFTER the illegal installation of Elon Musk and his company SpaceX in 2024

This is where the story takes a turn worthy of the best parts of “Diplomacy.” According to Cards Against Humanity’s complaint, SpaceX, Elon Musk’s company, invaded their land, installing construction equipment and generators, transforming this symbolic piece of land into a real construction site.

Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity is no stranger to political engagement. In 2016, they made headlines by selling “Vote for Hillary” and “Vote for Trump” game expansions, donating the proceeds to the Clinton campaign.

The rules of the game have changed: implications for the industry

The case raises crucial questions for the gaming industry. How far can a gaming company get involved in politics? Are big companies like SpaceX above the law?

This case could encourage other game publishers to engage more openly on social issues. This could transform the way we perceive and consume board games.

The potential impact on the industry is significant. According to data from Statesmanthe global board games market is expected to reach $30 billion by 2026. If this trend toward political engagement continues, it could redefine a significant portion of this market.

The game is not over

As the case continues, one thing is certain: the world of board games is changing. From a simple entertainment, it has become a vector of expression, a tool for protest, and even a full-fledged player in public debate. The game should also be renamed: It should no longer be Cards Against Humanity, but should now be renamed Cards FOR Humanity.

The next time you sit down for a game of Cards Against Humanity or any other game, remember: You’re not just playing with cards or pawns. You may be, unknowingly, participating in something much bigger.

Whether you’re conquering imaginary territories, solving puzzles, or creating the most absurd and idiotic sentences possible, remember: in today’s world, even a simple game can become a political act. Shall we play a game?

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