Al-Marsad Newspaper: Cardiology and arterial catheterization consultant Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr shocked cholesterol patients about the effect of his medication on the rate of diabetes in the blood.
“Al-Nimr” said, in a tweet that he posted on his official account on “Twitter”, that “all cholesterol medications – statins raise the cumulative rate of sugar slightly, the most severe of which is atorva, but its benefit remains much greater than its potential side effects.”
All cholesterol medications – statins raise the cumulative rate of sugar slightly, the most severe of which is Atorva, but its benefit remains much greater than its potential side effects.
– Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr (@ALNEMERK) May 26, 2023
2023-05-26 12:18:48
#Tiger #shocks #cholesterol #patients #effect #medication #blood #sugar