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Cardio is a weapon against cancer

JawaPos.com – Cardio exercise can be one of the secret weapons against symptoms that arise from cancer, in addition to improving the emotional well-being of patients and reducing the risk of developing other health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and osteoporosis.

“Increased cardio exercise for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation can be a factor in improving quality of life. Cardio sports work involving two systems that work together with each other in cancer patients, namely the heart and the circulatory system and the respiratory system,” said Dra. Tri Iswardani, M.Si, Psychologist, Indonesian Psychological Association for the Jakarta Region (Himpsi Jaya) in its official broadcast on Wednesday (23/2), quoted from AMONG.

Cardio is a type of exercise that is considered to be able to strengthen the cardiovascular system (blood vessels and heart, and lungs), this sport will usually always increase the heart rate. One example of cardio exercise is the Zumba activity.

By engaging movement and fun songs, zumba can improve mood and strengthen social relationships when done together.

In addition, zumba can also keep the mind sharp, increase self-esteem (self-esteem), improve social skills, reduce loneliness, relieve depression, reduce anxiety and improve memory.

The journey against cancer has a high probability of making patients weaker and more easily fatigued, as well as side effects of treatment that make physical activity more difficult.

Sara Mansfield, M.S., cancer exercise trainer certified in the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program, says physical activity can help people before, during, and after cancer treatment.

“Family and loved ones may urge someone with a cancer diagnosis to rest. However, it can lead to functional decline,” says Sara.

However, it takes some physical activity to maintain lean muscle mass and provide a sense of emotional comfort and happiness.

According to Mansfield, physical activity guidelines for people with cancer are similar to those recommended for everyone: 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of high-intensity activity each week. However, every patient is required to consult with the treating doctor first.

In the midst of World Cancer Day, Denada Tambunan, singer and ambassador for the Zumba brand in Indonesia, wants to make people aware that cardio can be a secret weapon against cancer.

“Those who have been diagnosed with cancer may find it difficult to exercise, which is normal. However, we need to be aware and understand that regular exercise can improve your physical, mental and emotional health,” said Denada.

For Denada, Zumba is a fun sport because of the loud sound of music and dynamic movements, the combination of International and Latin rhythms creates an atmosphere like partying.

“While having fun, they also burn calories and increase flexibility. The benefits of zumba exercise can be felt after doing it regularly, so it would be better if we make exercise a part of our daily routine,” he said.

The Global Burden of Cancer Study explained that cases and deaths due to cancer in Indonesia increased by 8.8 percent, with lung cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer as the three most common types of cancer suffered by patients.

This figure continues to increase from year to year, both from the number of new cases and deaths from cancer.

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