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Cardinal Ampango Leads Mass at World Bishops’ Conference, Emphasizes the Importance of Synods for Church Renewal

On the 13th, Cardinal Ampango, Archbishop of the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, presided over a Mass for those participating in the World Bishops’ Conference in St. Peter’s Basilica. The cardinal said that the Synod is a time of grace and discernment, a time of learning and starting anew.

(Vatican News) Cardinal Ampango, Archbishop of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, celebrated Mass at the Apostolic Altar in St. Peter’s Basilica on the morning of October 13 for those attending the World Bishops’ Conference. In his homily, he said that the Synod is a “moment of grace and discernment” to review the path we have taken. Synods are “a time to learn and start again,” and the Church needs synods. Cardinal Ampango calls the Synod of Synods “a new Pentecost”, for which we thank God. He was convinced that this meeting would renew the church.

The Gospel in that day’s Mass recounts Jesus’ exorcism of the devil. “The devil is always present and active in our world,” said the Archbishop of Kinshasa. The devil is always ready to cause conflict. Cardinal Ampango said that as a Church we need to be brave enough to face reality so that “it is not difficult to see how far the devil can work his magic” to create divisions. The cardinal reminds us that we need to use “comrades in the same camp” as a weapon to bravely fight against the devil. This fellowship requires unity, walking together, discerning in prayer, listening to one another, and hearing what the Holy Spirit says to the Church.

Cardinal Ampango finally said that the Holy Spirit is the powerful weapon of the Church and the protagonist of the Church who walks together. May the Church that walks together move from “dreams to reality, from words to concrete life” where we can “move forward together in communion, participation and mission”.

Link URL:www.vaticannews.cn

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2023-10-14 09:50:41

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