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Carbon. Blood drive tomorrow

The next blood drive will take place in Carbonne on Wednesday February 3 from 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the village hall of the Bois de Castres complex, route de Lacaugne. At the time of the curfew, donors may have questions about donating blood in the current context of the Covid-19 epidemic. Here is some information that will help them continue to donate blood with confidence.

A donor can come to the clinic unless they have symptoms of a flu-like condition or have been in close contact with a proven case of Covid-19 in the past 14 days.

The donor is authorized to travel to donate blood after 6 p.m. on the grounds of “assistance to vulnerable persons” (box 3 of the discharge certificate).

He must present an identity document (if he is already a donor and he has his donor card, this is sufficient) at the reception of the collection. You must scrupulously respect the rules of social distancing as well as the barrier gestures, wear the mask that will be provided by the EFS. Before you travel, consider taking the online test to check your donation ability. Take a pen and your gourd if possible. Bring the exceptional travel certificate if your donation takes place during the curfew (travel included).

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