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Caracas Train Project will adapt wagons of the Metro System

Regarding the 43 anniversary of the Caracas Metro System, the working class has played an important role in maintaining the service and providing quality service to the Caracas population, adapting and repowering the most important means of mass transportation in the country.

“The working and working class has grown and innovated, despite the economic war and the financial blockade so that the country does not have the necessary spare parts for the improvements of the trains,” reported this Thursday the M / G César Vegas, President of the Metro de Caracas during an interview on the program Café en la Mañána, broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión.

Vegas, explained that the Metro has been strengthened with the Caracas Train Project, which consists of reforming the internal and external image of the system, as well as a better, more functional and comfortable distribution for users.

“An internal structure of the wagon is going to be designed that allows greater physical distancing and we are going to lift 240 people per wagon, allowing the transfer of users in a comfortable and dignified way,” he said.

He reiterated that the import substitution of parts is being carried out thanks to the production of spare parts in the workshops located in Las Adjuntas, with the support of national companies.

«These works are of great impact for the Caracas community; It is important to highlight that the country is saving 36 million dollars in spare parts and supplies, that we have already begun to make parts here in the country with the support of engineers and specialized subway workers, “added Vegas.

During his statements, the president of the entity announced that Tren Caracas will repower 22 new trains to increase capacity on line No. 2 of the Metro System.

“We innovate and create our parts to not depend on any foreign country and to keep our system fully operational. We are showing that we are moving forward and the Great Venezuela Transportation Mission gives way to the best transportation service, we are heading towards technological independence, “said the head of the Caracas Metro.


In the Metro System since the pandemic began, the Disinfection Plan of the most vulnerable areas has been implemented, in order to avoid contagion by the coronavirus among users.

The M / G César Vegas, indicated that the disinfection plan for stations, wagons and subways is carried out on a daily and constant basis to guarantee the protection of users.

«In courtyard 1 and 2 of the annexes, the train washing is carried out, to which water, soap and hypochlorite are placed to disinfect all areas. In the Metro Cable and the Cable Tren disinfections are also carried out in compliance with the instruction of the National Executive so that the Metro is not a contagious area, ”Vegas explained.

Line 7

The head of the Caracas Metro reported that they received 12 buses from the Youtong System that were destined for the BusCaracas route to strengthen the surface line 7, which runs from Las Flores to Los Ilustres. “This allows the transfer of the people in the 11 corresponding stations to be safe and that the people carry out their daily tasks despite the pandemic,” said Vegas.

He added that in these 43 years they have worked and innovated to guarantee the best transportation system, at the same time he congratulated the working and working class that has committed to the initiative to innovate and create.

“We have a qualified workforce and we are driving improvements in times of crisis and moving forward,” the M / G reiterated.

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