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Caracas gallops in covid-19 infections with a total of 1,839 cases

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, reported this Saturday that Caracas is the entity with the highest number of cases of covid-19 with a total of 1,839 infections. Rodríguez reported that a total of 666 new citizens infected with covid-19 were detected in Venezuela in the last 24 hours, 643 of community transmission and 23 imported.

He stressed that Venezuela registers 14,929 patients, of which 8,795 are fully recovered, which brings the percentage of medical discharges in the country to 59%.

The high official warned that the virus is circulating in Caracas and compliance with the radical quarantine is necessary to control it.

Caracas registered the highest number of cases this Saturday with 216 new infections: Sucre (Catia) 45, El Valle 30, Antímano 19, Coche 16, El Junquito 09, La Vega 08, San Juan 07, El Paraíso 07, La Candelaria 07, January 23, 07, Santa Rosalía 06, La Pastora 05, Caricuao 04, El Recreo 04, San Padro 03, Altagracia 03, Santa Teresa 03, San José 02 Cathedral 02, San Agustín 02 and San Bernardino 02.

The Miranda state is the second region of the country that presents the highest number of cases with 1,083, this Saturday the Mirandina entity presented 153 new positive patients with covid-19 distributed in the following municipalities: Sucre 82, Baruta 22, Carrizal 12, Los Teques 06, Santa Teresa 06, Guarenas 06, Chacao 04 and the rest in other municipalities of the jurisdiction.

Regarding the rest of the country, the vice president detailed: Zulia 167, Nueva Esparta 42, Barinas 16, Delta Amacuro 12, La Guaira 09, Guárico 07, Cojedes 04, Sucre 04, Amazonas 03, Bolívar 03, Trujillo 02, Apure 02, Carabobo 01, Monagas 01 and Lara 01.

Rodríguez reported that to date 5,996 cases are active of them 5,870 people (97.89%) are undergoing treatment by the Public Health System, while 126 patients are in private clinics.

He reported the death of four new compatriots victims of covid-19 infection, 03 in Táchira and 01 in the Capital District, to reach the figure of 138 deaths in the country due to the outbreak.

He stressed that 1,491,737 tests have been carried out in the country for virus removal, which represents 49,725 per million inhabitant.

“Unlike these nations, Venezuela has already reached practically one and a half million free tests carried out (,,,) the Bolivarian Republic as the country with the most tests carried out in the entire South American region,” he said.

To date, Venezuela registers 5,270 imported cases, “all of the reverse migration that the country experiences, as it is surrounded by infection from neighboring countries where the exponential curve is high and they do not attend to fleeing compatriots,” Rodríguez said.

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