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Carabineros’ Long Weekend Traffic Balance: 14 Deaths and 146 Arrests

This Monday, Carabineros delivered a new preliminary balance for the long New Year’s weekend, where 335 thousand vehicles left the Metropolitan region.

Of this figure, Major Rodrigo Melo, from the Carabineros Traffic and Highways Prefecture, reported that 189 thousand have already returned and that another 103 cars are expected to return today.

“It is an expected figure, there should be no congestion, expeditious traffic is expected,” said the uniformed officer, adding that the return peak will be recorded around 2:00 p.m.


According to the balance, during this long weekend 14 people died in traffic accidents, five less compared to 2023, while 2,500 were injured.

“There were 2,500 accidents nationwide, the reasons being not driving attentively to traffic conditions, driving under the influence of alcohol and irresponsibility of pedestrians,” the spokesperson said.

Between the 50 thousand police checks carried out, were carried out 13.500 alcotest y narcotestleaving a balance of 146 arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and 13 for driving under the influence of drugs.

2024-01-02 04:31:32
#deaths #thousand #traffic #accidents #RADIO #MARAY

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