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Carabineros disperses demonstration in Plaza Baquedano

More than fifty people arrived this afternoon to the Plaza Baquedano sector to manifest in support for Mapuche community members on hunger strike, which were dispersed in the Carabineros in the first instance.

The protesters began to arrive minutes before 18.00, trying to replicate the calls that were held every Friday in that area after the social outbreak.

Plaza Baquedano is located on the border between the communes of Providencia and Santiago, the latter still in the quarantine phase due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Through social networks some detainees are reported for violating the sanitary norm, since meetings of more than 10 people are prohibited.

In this regard, the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH) reported hours later that a team from the institution traveled to the 19 Providencia Police Station to interview the detainees.

Among those detained would be an independent cameraman, as reported on its Twitter account by the metropolitan headquarters of the College of Journalists. In the social network, they indicated that “we condemn the repression of those who carry out valuable information work.”

During the afternoon, and given the possibility of demonstrations in Lo Hermida, Peñalolén and in Villa Francia, Central Station, public transport services announced traffic detours, those that were implemented from 5:00 p.m.

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