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Carabineros dismissed two captains for the case of Fabiola Campillai

Carabinieri reported this afternoon the result of administrative summary initiated as a result of the case of Fabiola Campillai Rojas, a neighbor of San Bernardo who Nov 26, 2019 she lost vision in both eyes and suffered neurological damage when she was hit in the face by a tear gas canister, when he waited for collective locomotion to go to his work.

Through a public statement, the institution said it had developed “a in-depth and exhaustive internal investigation, which had difficulties in gathering background related to external witnesses and the victim herself, but which begins to yield conclusions and definitions “.

Once the summary was concluded, “the head of the Metropolitan Area processed the dismissal of two junior officers, of the rank of captain, who belonged to the 14th San Bernardo Police Station “.

One of them is credited with not having made inquiries to verify the state of health and provide assistance to a victim, and omit the corresponding legal procedure “, details the note.

“With respect to another officer involved, it was proven that, Although he learned that there was an injured person, he did not display any initiative, in addition to declaring contradictory facts about what happened“, he details.

Criminal case in parallel lane

The statement asserts that “Timely help to a victim, whatever the circumstance in which he is injured, is an obligation for every police officer when conditions permit. Failure to comply with this principle is unacceptable and is grounds for expulsion of the institution”.

Carabineros ends by stating that this administrative decision is independent “of the criminal investigation initiated by the Public Ministry”, in which he claims to be collaborating “with transparency and speed to judicially clarify the fact.”

[Lea también Fabiola Campillai acusa nulo apoyo del Gobierno: “Nunca me han llamado; no le han dado ninguna importancia a mi caso”]

INDH: “This is the first step on the road to truth”

After hearing the announcement of the Carabineros, the director of the National Institute of Human Rights, Sergio Micco, said “It is the first step on the road to truth, but it is only the first step.”

“This is the result of an administrative summary applied by the Carabineros de Chile. What the INDH asks is that the criminal proceedings be advanced, as decisively as possible, so that the whole truth is known, so that justice is done and so that the facts that Fabiola Campillay suffered never happen again.“added the lawyer.

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