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Carabinero suspected of femicide appears linked to the case of Álex Núñez, who died after beating in Maipú

This Sunday the former second lieutenant of the Carabineros will go to detention control Gary Valenzuela Ramos, he the only suspect in the femicide of an official of the same police force in the Maule Region.

The victim, Norma Vasquez Soto, was found dead inside a car in a Linares motel.

The police officer belonged to the 25th Maipú Police Station and, according to preliminary information, had reported the suspect to the headquarters of the institution for attempting to sexual abuse.

But Gary Valenzuela’s name also appears in another complaint, framed in the investigation carried out by the Public Ministry for the death of Alex Nunez after being beaten by Carabineros personnel on the outskirts of the Metro Del Sol, in Maipú, he Oct 20, 2019, at the beginning of the social explosion.

One of the background information on the investigation into this case is the complaint by a second lieutenant of the 25th Police Station who assured that some of his colleagues – whom he identifies by first and last name – tried to hide the circumstances of the beating that the victim was allegedly given and blamed him for this act.

The testimony, which was collected by the complaint that the State Defense Council (CDE) presented last February, he points out that the official tells the facts “in order to reliably clarify the facts, given what is something very serious, which goes against institutional principles and values.”

According to his account, on October 23, when the fatal beating of Núñez was already known on social networks, He was approached by Second Lieutenant Gary Valenzuela, who -according to him- stated verbatim: “My lieutenant, I want to tell you something because I have a good one, but do not say anything to my lieutenant Eduardo Toledo. What happens is that during the night and this morning my lieutenant Eduardo Toledo was calling me, telling me to declare the same if they summon us to testify or go to the police station to ask any antecedent. What happens is that apparently there is a video where my lieutenant Eduardo Toledo is pointed at a person, but don’t shoot him, and later I come out hitting a person and I know they can shit us “.

“My fear is that Carabinero Maldonado will declare the truth because he has me bad, and if I am telling you this is because my lieutenant Eduardo Toledo asked me to say that we saw the motorcycles go by, but that we had nothing to do with it, so be careful with my lieutenant Toledo, because He wants to shit for what he gave me to understand, he wants to save himself because he is scared, “he added.

Likewise, Valenzuela wanted the complainant to know about the agreement that Toledo raised because he also “asked me to let’s say we saw the bikes go by, but that we had nothing to do, so be careful with my lieutenant Toledo, because he wants to shitHe wants to save himself, because he is scared. “

The complainant took this conversation into account when declaring in the Administrative Prosecutor’s Office (Fisad) of the Central Prefecture, noting in the complaint that “I was emphatic in clarifying that on the day of the events I did not go out with any type of cane and that of the six bikers we were riding, only one carried an isomer cane, so it was impossible for us to be the aggressors. “

“In that same act, my eldest Bonilla pointed out to me: ‘Tell the truth, because there are statements that indicate that the motorists were with a person in black clothing on the groundNot that they beat him, but that you were with him, ‘”said that alerted him immediately.

“Automatically, by deduction, I realized that the day before, Second Lieutenant Eduardo Toledo, Warrant Officer Orlando Sepúlveda and Second Corporal José Ramírez had come to testify to the Visad, who, in my opinion, they agreed to declare and that the versions coincide, since it coincided with what Second Lieutenant Gary Valenzuela pointed out to me, “he remarked, before stating that he denied having attacked someone on the day of the beating of Núñez.

When he returned to the police station, the second lieutenant entered the officers’ casino, where Major Del Río, Captain Mansilla and several second lieutenants were, including Eduardo Toledo sitting in an armchair, and Mansilla asked the complainant how it went when he delivered his statement.

“To which I answer ‘well, my captain, the only thing Apparently Second Lieutenant Eduardo Toledo declared pure stupidity in the Fisad‘. Looking at the face of the second lieutenant Eduardo Toledo I tell him out loud: ‘you, at what moment did you see me with a person on the ground on Sunday, because at least I was not with any injured person,’ “said the second lieutenant.

The uniformed man continued his narration stating that he told his captain “‘I am going to request proceedings to clarify the facts, because I know that you agreed to declare ‘, to which Second Lieutenant Eduardo Toledo shows a clear nervousness, lowering his head and responding nothing about it. “

Likewise, the policeman attested to the version of one of Núñez’s friends, who assured that he was beaten by the Carabineros, boarded a van and transferred to a police unit after failing to start from them on the same day.

“It also coincides with what happened that night, since Second Lieutenant Valenzuela effectively transferred a person from the vicinity of the El Sol Metro to the 25th Police Station,” he said, adding that on that day I was patrolling the vicinity of the El Sol Metro, so it would be normal for there to be statements that saw the bikes go by. “

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