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Car tax, beware of scam for those who buy a used vehicle

Watch out for the car tax scam that risks making many motorists fall into the trap. So let’s go into the details and see everything there is to know about it.

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Food, electricity, water and gas bills, but also children’s education, sports and much more. There are so many expenses with which we regularly find ourselves having to deal, which end up having a considerable impact on the family budget. These include the costs for the car, including insurance and fuel. But not only that, among the items most hated by motorists, the car tax. The car tax, we remind you, must be paid every year by all those who own a vehicle.

Precisely in this context, therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant inconveniences, it is good to pay attention to expiration to be respected, within which to pay the car tax. If all this were not enough, you have to pay attention to an attempt to fraud, concerning precisely the motorist tax, which particularly affects those who decide to buy a used vehicle. But what does it consist of? So let’s go into the details and see everything there is to know about it.

Car tax, pay attention to deadlines: everything you need to know

As already said the car tax turns out to be one of the most hated taxes by motorists. The reason is easily found in the fact that it leads to having to deal with expenses that are not at all indifferent. If all this were not enough, to aggravate the situation we think the prices of raw materials which are skyrocketing, so much from fear high price rises for many foods, such as pasta and bread.

Precisely in this context, therefore, in order to avoid further unpleasant inconveniences, we invite you to pay particular attention to deadline for making the payment of the vehicle tax. Following the negative impact of Covid on the economy, on the other hand, many regions have decided to cancel or postpone the related payment.

For this reason, we invite you to be careful about the actual deadline to be respected. To this end, since the car tax is a tax managed by the Regions, we recommend di visit the site of your region of residence, in order to obtain more information on the matter.

Car tax, risk of scam for those who buy a used car

In addition to the deadlines to be met, we invite you to never let your guard down, especially if you decide to buy a used vehicle. This is because you are often likely to come across an attempt at fraud, which has already made many fall into the trap. But what does it consist of? Well the risk is to buy a vehicle with the car tax that is not paid.

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An undoubtedly unpleasant situation and for which it is good to pay particular attention. In order to avoid unpleasant surprises, therefore, it is advisable to carry out the appropriate ones verifications on the aci.it website, obviously before purchasing the vehicle. An operation in itself simple and fast, which allows you to avoid having to deal with additional expenses to be faced, once you become the owner of the car.

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