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Car-sized asteroid grazed Earth without NASA noticing

Ph. Gfycat

NASA discovered an asteroid that grazed our planet on Sunday. Never has an asteroid come so close to Earth without colliding with it.

One might think that NASA is not missing any of the activity of asteroids that pass close to Earth. Yet, according to a Business Insider article, a car-sized asteroid has passed only 2,950 kilometers from our planet this Sunday without being spotted by NASA. According to the Sormano Astronomical Observatory, never has an asteroid passed so close to our heads without colliding with Earth!

It was only six hours after its passage that NASA spotted the asteroid called 2020 HQ. “The asteroid approached from the direction of the Sun. We have not seen it ”Nasa confirmed to Business Insider.

According to the impact simulator « Impact Earth » from Purdue University and Imperial College London, 2020 HQ posed no danger to our planet. If it had really been heading towards us, it probably would have disintegrated in the atmosphere before hitting our planet.

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