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Car policies: How you can save up to 50 percent on car insurance

If you change your car insurance by November 30th, you can save a lot of money. But which insurance is the cheapest? Policies for motor vehicles and small fleets in comparison.

Do you remember the little-traveled roads during the lockdown? Many cars were not moved at all because companies could not work or the employees simply stayed at the breakfast table in the morning to switch to the home office at the push of a button. The effect: the police recorded 18.3 percent fewer accidents in the first six months of 2020 than in the first half of 2019, according to the Federal Statistical Office.

Fewer accidents means less damage that insurance companies had to pay for. The Cologne DEVK insurance company reported that by the beginning of September the claims expenditure in motor vehicle liability insurance had fallen by almost 16 percent. The insurance industry is generous and announced a premium refund for the insured. But what about the bonus for 2021? Jörg Rheinländer, manager at the market leader HUK-Coburg, does not see a “lasting decrease in premiums”. And the analyst Marco Morawetz from the reinsurer Gen Re warns the industry against passing on the “positive one-time income” in the form of reduced tariffs to customers.

Car owners can therefore hardly expect their insurance company to generously lower the premium for 2021. But the insured can act themselves. Many policies will expire on November 30th. This opens up the opportunity to switch to a cheaper provider among the roughly 90 motor vehicle insurers in Germany.

impulse analyzed the market with experts. The central result: even with insurance companies with comparable services, there are huge price differences. With tariffs for private cars as well as for small fleets, entrepreneurs can save 50 percent or even more with a new deal.

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