Home » today » Business » Car market in a dive, with the virus Europe has lost 24% – Corriere.it

Car market in a dive, with the virus Europe has lost 24% – Corriere.it

in two years there was an earthquake. And perhaps it is worth starting from the numbers to explain what is happening. The car market in Europe in September lost 24.4% of new registrations compared to the same month in 2019. It was pre-pandemic, of course. It tells us that Covid has created a before and an after. It also tells us that the ecological transition is already changing the ways of consumption, with a strong push towards electric cars, but Italy is struggling more than the others for the sale of cars on tap which mediate an 8% share of sales. totals. There is an infrastructural shortage. Few charging stations, even on motorways.

Few volumes also because Stellantis, born from the merger between FCA and PSA, in Italy produces a single battery-powered model: the electric 500 in Mirafiori. And unable to keep the market on a par with Germany and France. There is a shortage of parts supply. Paolo Scudieri, president of Anfia (the association representing the supply chain) says he is worried despite the new incentives recognized in the tax decree: We are suffering from the shortage of raw materials. Not only microchips, but also steel and plastic that have had embarrassing increases. Industrial policies that cannot be postponed are urgently needed. The automotive table at the Ministry of Development continues between ups and downs, the unions reveal. Stellantis announced a gigafactory in Termoli, but did not clarify when and how. It would be necessary to convince Intel to build a chip factory in our country, but Germany seems to have an advantage.

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