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Car insurance – you should pay attention to this when comparing

A distinction must be made here according to the selected scope of services:

Motor vehicle liability insurance

As in any other area, motor vehicle liability is responsible for regulating third-party damage culpably caused by vehicle operation. This can involve property damage as well as personal injury and the resulting financial loss. Another aspect that should not be underestimated is the passive legal protection, which is also granted by motor vehicle liability insurance: it first checks the liability issues – and in an emergency also in court. If the claims for damages made prove to be unjustified, liability will ward them off in your interest.

Partially comprehensive insurance

With this module you can protect yourself from the financial burdens caused by damage to your own vehicle. These include, for example

  • Fire, explosion, or lightning strike
  • theft
  • Glass breakage
  • Collision with hair game / birds / animals
  • Marten damage

The exact scope of insurance can vary from insurer; the respective insurance conditions decide here. In contrast to fully comprehensive insurance, the use of partial comprehensive insurance does not lead to an upgrade in the no-claims discount (SFR) for the next insurance year.

Fully comprehensive insurance

With fully comprehensive insurance, you can expand the scope of the partially comprehensive insurance. Here, for example, accident-related damage to your own vehicle is insured, which you yourself caused through negligent behavior, but also strangers or children who are incapable of tort. You can also arrange for damage caused by vandalism to be settled, but you must always observe the separately agreed deductible for fully and partially comprehensive insurance and the SFR upgrade in the following year.

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