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Car insurance: November is change time – kicker

There is a good reason why car insurers are now attracting new customers with low-cost offers: most car insurance contracts can be terminated on November 30th. What to consider when changing car insurance:

November 30th: Important deadline to switch to a new car insurance policy.


Change car insurance: why now?

Because for most insurance contracts the insurance year ends on December 31st. If you count back the one-month notice period, the key date is November 30th.

In view of this important date, the insurance companies are now trying to lure those willing to switch from their current provider and into their own company. This often results in favorable conditions for new customers. So it can be worthwhile to at least consider a change.

How do I find new insurance?

Comparison portals such as Verivox, Check24, finanzcheck.de or financesout24.de offer the most convenient way. Such insurance calculators are fed with the most important data such as age, no-claims class and vehicle type and then filter out the most interesting offers from the variety of offers. The services of the insurance companies can also be easily compared in this way.

However, almost no comparison portal takes all providers into account. In addition, there is a suspicion that some insurance calculators do not make their selection objectively. “In some cases, comparison portals go as far as not even listing offers from providers with particularly attractive conditions in order to give preference to their business partners, who may even pay them commission,” warns the Automobile Club of Germany (AvD). This is another reason why not just one portal should be consulted, but at least two or, even better, several at once.

Incidentally, those wishing to change should not forget their current insurance. It often helps to confront the insurance industry with a cheaper alternative offer in order to obtain equally attractive conditions.

What should I put attention on?

Saving money is only one aspect. The services also have to be right. The new insurance should offer the same conditions and the same service as the old one. At best, it makes sense to deteriorate if the policyholder can waive one or the other previously granted benefit with a clear conscience.

It is therefore worthwhile to take a close look before switching. Often the supposed bargain suggested by the comparison portal is just a stripped-down offer. Some deficits are hidden in the details: The insurance companies can proceed differently with regard to the downgrade of the no-claims bonus. And older contracts sometimes contain a so-called “discount saver”, which protects against a premium increase in the event of damage. This regulation is mostly lost with a change.

How does the change take place?

If an offer has actually been found that offers the same benefits and the same service as the previous contract for less money, a non-binding offer can be requested via the comparison portal, an insurance contract can be applied for and, as a rule, a free exchange service can be used. Alternatively, the homepage of the new insurer is a point of contact; a personal conversation can also be sought by telephone.

Anyone who cancels the old insurance at the end of the year informs the new provider of the start of insurance on January 1st. As soon as the new insurance contract is signed and the policy is available, the new insurance company informs the registration office of the change.

Important: The old contract should only be terminated when the new one has actually been concluded and confirmed. Partial and fully comprehensive contracts can also be rejected.

Cancellation can be made by email, but if you want to be on the safe side, you can send it by post and by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. There are templates on the Internet. The letter of termination should contain the following: Name and address of the party terminating the contract, the insurance number, the vehicle registration number, the time of termination and the request for confirmation of the termination.

It is essential to keep an eye on: It is not the postmark that is relevant, but the receipt stamp of the insurance company.

Missed deadline: What now?

If the deadline is missed, the insurance contract is automatically extended by one year. In certain cases, however, it can also be terminated outside of the time limit with reference to a special right of termination. This is the case, for example, if the insurer increases the premium without there being a move or a claim. Such damage, in turn, grants both contracting parties a special right of termination – not just for the insurer, but also for the policyholder.

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