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Car insurance, corona rules, rents: that will change in November 2020

Corona rules, car insurance, travel: that will change in November 2020

© dpa / assembly

New laws and regulations will come into force again in November. Whether in terms of corona rules or car insurance and rents – that’s coming up in November.

Life in Germany will be massively determined by the new anti-corona measures in the next four weeks. From November 2nd, strict contact restrictions will apply; Bars, cinemas and sports studios remain closed; Events and hotel stays are largely prohibited. These corona rules and measures apply from November 2nd in Bavaria and the region.

At least in the short term, this dwarfs the other changes that will also come into force in the coming month:

NUTRITION: In November, the new “Nutri-Score” logo will be launched on a broad front so that “fattening foods” and healthy foods are easier to recognize in the supermarket. In addition to sugar, fat and salt, recommended ingredients such as fiber and proteins are included in an overall rating, which is then displayed on the front of the pack in a five-level traffic light scale: from “A” on a dark green field for the best balance to a yellow C ”to the red“ E ”for the worst.

TO TRAVEL: For returnees from foreign corona risk areas, new quarantine rules will apply from November 8th: Anyone who has stayed in a country or region classified as a risk area by the Robert Koch Institute in the ten days prior to entry must return immediately in quarantine for ten days. He also has to report to the health department. If you want to end self-isolation early, you can have a corona test done on the fifth day after entry at the earliest. If the result is negative, the quarantine obligation ends. If the test is negative, but symptoms of Covid 19 appear within ten days, those affected must take another test.

HEALTH: From November 1st, all medical prescriptions must contain clear dosage information for each prescribed drug. For example, the dosage is given as “1-1-1” if the patient is to take one tablet each morning, noon and evening. Only if the patient has an alternative medication plan can the doctor dispense with dosage instructions on the prescription.

VEHICLE TAX: The federal government wants to promote the switch to electric cars. The amended Motor Vehicle Tax Act therefore provides for the ten-year exemption from motor vehicle tax to be extended to December 31, 2030. In order to increasingly direct demand to cars with reduced emissions potential, low-emission cars with internal combustion engines are also favored. Between June 12, 2020 and December 31, 2024, cars registered for the first time with a CO2-Value up to 95g / km, the tax of 30 euros per year is not levied for five years, at the latest until December 31, 2025.

RENTAL FEE: The second stage of the Berlin rent cap will take effect from November 23rd. The rent cap applies to 1.5 million apartments in Berlin. 28,000 tenants of the state-owned companies alone will then pay less rent. The reason: The second stage of the Berlin rent cap will come into force on November 23. According to this, a rent that exceeds the newly defined upper rent limits including surcharges or discounts by more than 20 percent is prohibited. The rents that are deemed excessive must then be reduced. The Berlin tenants’ association offers a calculator for the rent cover.

OIL HEATING: The Building Energy Act (GEG) combines the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV), the Energy Saving Act (EnEG) and the Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWärmeG). However, the law does not contain any higher energy requirements for new and existing buildings. The latter should be examined again in 2023.

In addition, the GEG is implementing the installation ban on oil heating systems provided for in the climate package from 2026. Gas and oil heating systems that were installed or set up in 1991 or later may be operated for a maximum of 30 years. Hybrid solutions should still be possible after 2026. Anyone who has their old oil heating system replaced by a more climate-friendly model is supported with an exchange bonus.

mh (with material from dpa)

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