“The quarterly data we are seeing is worsening and leads us to say that we are moving away from the objective of one million vehicles per year, which is the objective of the ministerial table”. For Ferdinando Uliano, general secretary of Fim, Stellantis production data in Italy in the first quarter of 2024 are declining.
This is demonstrated by the data from the periodic observatory of CISL metalworkers. Production in general it is down by 50% in Turin and Melfi. In particular, the site in the province of Potenza “weighs a lot in terms of quantity”, underlining that compared to the first quarter of 2019, i.e. pre-Covid, the decline widens further, reaching 62%. “We found a significant decline in the first quarter, more or less than 10% as regards vehicles produced in the country, both cars and commercial vehicles. The situation sees all the plants in sharp decline, except those in Pomigliano d’Arco and Atessa , where commercial vehicles are produced”, presses the union.
Stellantis on Mirafiori: “Beatful heart in Italy”. For the unions, there are insufficient answers regarding the future of the factory
by Diego Longhin

If last year there was a production of cars and commercial vehicles of around 751,384 units, therefore lower than the one million target on the basis of which the comparison is held at the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, now the new projection currently marks only 630,000 vehicles. To reach one million, there would have had to be an increase in volumes of one third. “Instead, the quarterly data we are seeing is worsening compared to that of 2023. This is why the million is moving away. In this context, it is urgent that the new incentive system comes into force as soon as possible.”
Maserati, Stellantis plans 150 incentivized exits in Modena

Compared to the first quarter of 2023, the Turin hub in particular marks a decline of 51%, while Maserati of Modena, which records few quantities produced, suffers a decline of around 68%. Cassino, on the other hand, shows -40%, again in the first three months. The exception Pomiglianowhere the Panda is manufactured, reaches +26%while also Melfi is negative: -50%. The car total, therefore, indicates a reduction in volumes of 23.8%. If Pomigliano wasn’t there, the decline in establishments would be 50%, more or less. Atessa’s commercial vehicles, in this context, produce a positive effect, compared to the volumes of 2023, and (only) this determines the general overall figure of -10%, less serious. If you look only at the car the situation is more serious.
#Car #crisis #Ursos #goal #producing #million #vehicles #Italy #falling
– 2024-04-05 21:27:22