The events occurred last week when a car crashed into a bank
The events occurred on Carmen Conde street/ Gu Diario
The last of the six minors injured when a car collided with the bench where they were sitting in Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara) last Friday who was admitted to the General Hospital of Guadalajara, was discharged yesterday, as reported to EFE Sources from the Castilla-La Mancha Health Service (Sescam).
A total of six minors, ages 13 and 14, were injured last Friday when a vehicle collided with the bench where they were sitting.
The accident occurred at 7:43 p.m. on Friday, May 28, on Carmen Conde de Azuqueca de Henares street, and due to the collision, five of those six minors were transferred to the Guadalajara General Hospital.
Of all of them, only the minor who underwent surgery for injuries remained hospitalized and after his favorable evolution he was discharged yesterday, according to health sources.
The car was parked on the street
According to David Pinillos, security councilor for the Azuqueca city council, the causes of the accident are still being investigated but it could all be due to an error when operating the vehicle’s pedals. According to Pinillos, the car was not driving on the road, it was parked in front of the bank and, it is possible, that due to an error one pedal was pressed instead of another. A detail that has to clarify the investigation.
One of the six young people hit by a car in Azuqueca intervened for injuries
#minor #admitted #accident #Azuqueca #discharged