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Car Cleaning with Beer and Baking Soda: Cheap and Effective Tips

Car cleaning with beer

What’s the secret ingredient to cleaning your car? All you need is beer and baking soda and that’s it: your car will look like new.

Car cleaning is a task that takes time and effort, and sometimes even money. So often we find ourselves putting it off and putting it off, until it dirty becomes really unbearable and risks compromising the condition of the car as well.

A clean car not only offers a pleasant one feeling of well-being to those who drive it but also helps to preserve its value over time. There regular car cleaning it not only enhances the aesthetic appearance, but also protects the paint, prevents the accumulation of harmful weather elements and helps keep the interior comfortable and hygienic.

However, to facilitate the cleaning task, there are some tricks and products Really unusual but, at the same time, effective. In this case, these are two products that you could also have in your kitchen: beer and baking sodawhich mixed together can effectively and economically remove oil stains from the engine.

The cleaning expert Kevin Hargrave has, in fact, posted a video on TikTok recently, in which he explains how beer and baking soda can be used to remove the oil stains from the car engine. According to Hargrave, the trick is being kept under wraps by car wash owners in order for their customers to turn to them for more expensive car cleaning products.

How the trick works

To start cleaning your car using the beer and baking soda trick, you need to get a pack of sodium bicarbonate easily found in a supermarket for only 65 cents e a can of cheap beer. With these materials at your disposal, you can start the cleaning process.

In a bucket, the can of beer with the baking soda are mixed until you get one homogeneous mixture. Next, you have to dip a cloth in the mixture and use it to clean the oil stains on the car engine. The combination of beer and baking soda will work effectively for get rid of oil stains instantly.

Car cleaning

Dashboard cleaning and safety when cleaning the car

In addition to cleaning the engine, another useful car cleaning tip also comes from cleaning expert Kevin Hargrave: just use a mixture of water and fabric softener to clean the dust from the dashboard, then moisten a cloth with this solution and pass it delicately on the dashboard to remove the dust, leaving a clean and perfumed surface.

As you follow these tips to clean your car cheaply and effectively, always remember to pay attention to safetyespecially when you’re working under the hood or near the engine. Also make sure you use products that are suitable for car cleaning to avoid damage to the car’s paint or other materials. With these tricks, you can keep your car in top condition without breaking the bank.

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2023-07-22 15:04:44
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