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Car break-ins in Zurich wine country: Zurich cantonal police warn

After visiting her daughter, the mother and her husband from the Zurich wine region did not get back into the BMW. “We left the car because we had one glass of wine too many and so we walked home,” the user reported on Thursday in a local Facebook groupThe next day, the couple did not have a hangover, but rather a shock.

“When we went to pick up the car this morning, we noticed that the left rear window had been smashed,” wrote the user. She is calling on the perpetrator to come forward. Otherwise, they will be forced to hand over the footage from their dashcam to the police and also publish it in Dachsen and the surrounding area, she warns.

«We smoked in the car»

This is not an isolated case in the region. A user reported another break-in in Dachsen – on a street five minutes’ walk from the previously posted case. “When my husband went to his car, he saw a broken window and they also stole glasses, etc.,” commented his wife. Another user complained that such break-ins had been happening “all week in the area.” “They even smoked in my car,” she reported.

She told ZüriToday that her car had not been broken into directly. She had not locked her car and had not left anything there to steal. “Apart from a mess and cigarette butts, the perpetrators did not cause any damage.”

Do you leave valuables in the car?

Yes, but I hide them.

Yes, I leave valuables visible.

No, I definitely won’t do that.

I don’t have a car.

When asked, the Zurich cantonal police confirmed the series of break-ins. “In the Andelfingen district, we registered four cases of car break-ins in the last two nights,” said media spokesperson Kenneth Jones. According to police reports, one car was affected in Dachsen and three cars in Marthalen.

Tip against burglary

The cars were locked at the time of the crime. “The break-in was through the windows,” says Kenneth Jones. The suspected perpetrators stole wallets and cell phones. The police have not released any further information. “Investigations are ongoing,” says Jones.

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Car break-ins in Zurich wine country: Zurich cantonal police warn

In this context, the Zurich Cantonal Police advise against leaving valuables or objects visible in the car. “Burglars look through the windows first,” says Jones. If they see a wallet on the seat, they will strike in the car.

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