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Car bonuses, discounts also on diesel and petrol: sustainable paramters

The Ecobonus plan for cars should no longer change. At least one billion resources destined for the ecological transition.

One billion euros and a plan that, first of all, will look to sustainability. The new Ecobonus for cars throws an eye up to 2030, focusing everything on vehicles with low environmental impact.

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Not to mention very low. From electric cars to hybrids, without forgetting an allocation for diesel and petrol ones, the bonus is one of the measures adopted by the Government with a view to providing an incentive both to purchasing power and to reducing the polluting impact. The Minister of Economic Development, Giancarlo Giorgetti, he made it known that the incentives aim to accompany “the transition process that concerns a fundamental sector for the country”. The same sector that, in recent weeks, had raised some doubts about the effectiveness of the sustainable plan, especially with regard to the high costs of low-impact machines and the risk of reducing work for the automotive industries.

In any case, the motto for 2030 remains “environmentally compatible devices”. Reduction of CO2 emissions incentivized by discounts on car purchases, so as to solve at least part of the problem. It is clear that everything will have to pass to the test of facts but, this time, the investment and resource conversion plan it actually seems important. Although, as mentioned, part of the sum will remain for those who wish to buy diesel or petrol cars, while keeping in mind some set parameters.

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Auto bonus, parameters for discounts on diesel and petrol

When it comes to buying diesel or petrol cars, the directives are quite strict. Part of the funds will be channeled into this particular sector, provided that CO2 emissions do not exceed the parameters. They will have to in other words be between 61 and 135. Clearly, the more the vehicle’s environmental impact will be reduced, the more it will be possible to obtain from the bonus, even if no incentive will go beyond the total discount of 9 thousand euros on a maximum spending ceiling of 35 thousand. This being the case, the highest amount should be obtained with the purchase of an electric car and, at the same time, with the scrapping of a used vehicle of a class below Euro 5.

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The Auto Bonus was currently approved with no details disclosed. Something could still change but, essentially, the general directives should not change further. The objective, as mentioned, is to encourage sustainable change, encouraging the European program which, by 2030, has the objective of achieving stability from the point of view of reducing the environmental impact. It is clear that a large part of the program will pass from vehicles, with the brand new Ecobonus that aims to reduce the burden of spending on the purchase of new low-consumption cars. The use of clean energy will necessarily have to look at other fields as well, first and foremost that of production. An important gap still needs to be filled between fossil and renewable sources. We will have to work on this too.

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