On 1 April 2022, important incentives are triggered for those who want to buy a car. Eco all the advantages for those in possession of these requirements.
There is good news for all people looking to buy a new car. In less than 3 days, on 1 April 2022, the Ministry for Economic Development will almost certainly give the possibility, for those who want to buy a car, to access important economic benefits. To this end, 700 million euros have been allocated for the whole of 2022 and even one billion euros for the years 2023-2030.
2022 car bonus: who can access
These economic measures taken by the government have allowed tens of thousands of Italians to obtain important incentives to scrap old and polluting cars in exchange for new, low environmental impact cars. In such an uncertain environmental and climatic context, the Council of Ministers has wisely decided to allocate funds for this cause which will start again shortly and will even last until 2030.
But let’s go into detail. As for the Ecobonus, we remind you that this possibility will be provided only for those who have a car registered for at least ten years to be scrapped. This is the essential prerogative to be able to take advantage of the benefits.
The bonus for the purchase of a car includes various categories: 1) Electric cars 2) Plug-in cars 3) Cars with emissions between 61 and 135 g / km of CO2.
There is still no official on what the bonus amounts will be for each purchase. According to the first rumors, the scheme of the previous Ecobonus will be followed, where it was foreseen, with the incentive for the scrapping (always of a car registered for 10 years), a discount made by the dealer.
The contributions disbursed should be divided as follows: minimum of 2.000 euro for the 61-135 g / km range, di 4.000 euro for 21-60 and 6.000 euro for 0-20 g / km.
Also regional funds to be added to the state Ecobonus
The negative novelty of this new decree is that the prerogative to obtain the state bonus is to have a car to be scrapped that has been registered for more than 10 years (registered no less than 12 months to the purchaser of the new one or to a relative cohabitant resulting from the family status) not only for cars in the 61-135 g / km CO2 range, but from April 1st also for the purchase of electric and plug-in hybrid cars .
As regards the list prices, in order to obtain the incentive (including paid accessories), the maximum cost, without VAT, IPT and putting on the road, is 35.000 euro in the 0-20 g / km range, 45.000 euro in the 21-60 g / km range e 35.000 euro in the 61-135 g / km range.
An important news that should not be underestimated is that, together with State incentives, in some regions it will probably be possible to obtain additional financing for the purchase of a new car. In fact, in 2021 Lombardy, Piedmont, Trentino and Sardinia, in addition to the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, made available additional regional funds released from those of the Ecobonus provided at national level. The advice is therefore to also inquire with the regional body of reference.