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Car and motorcycle wash in Banfora: “there is no job just for men”, Madjelia Barro

Madjelia Barro, president of the Association of Girl Leaders of the Cascades region, washes motorcycles and vehicles in Bounouna. On Monday, February 27, 2023, we met her at her place of work, a machine washing place in the city of the black peasant.

Who is Madjelia Barro?

I am a citizen like the others. I am the President of the Girl Leaders of the Cascades region. I also wash motorbikes and vehicles in front of the Banfora multipurpose hall located in Bounouna.

Car and motorcycle washing is not a reputable profession for women. There are plenty of jobs for women, why did you choose this one?

I don’t know, but people tend to attribute to me a man’s behavior. It is already an asset to embrace a man’s job. But people must understand that there is no one job for men. Where I can work to support myself is already a given. Let’s just work! Each person has a machine and I can cut big.

How was the start?

The beginning was difficult, and so far. As a woman, it’s not easy; in addition to the situation, there is no market. Also with people’s discouragement, I’m told that it’s not a woman’s job and that I’m not going to make it. But I have faith in myself.

With the reviews, aren’t you going to throw in the towel?

No, it’s not knowing Madjelia Barro, I’m not going to throw in the towel. I like challenges and I like to take up challenges. Where I’m told I’m going to fail, that’s where I take up challenges brilliantly. I will go for it and that motivates me. When you are criticized, it would mean that you have talents. I don’t give up. I will fight until my last breath.

How many gears can you wash per day?

A day, I can wash about ten motorcycles. On weekends, I can go beyond that. When it comes to entrepreneurship, it’s not easy. I try to do with the means on board and with the customers who trust me.

The difficulties?

I am currently the only lady who washes motorbikes in Banfora. It’s not easy, people criticize me a lot that instead of going to do hairdressing and other things, I come to wash machines. In addition here, there is no maquis. If there was a maquis, it could give me a lot of luck. But I will always fight, I didn’t have a wash place in town that’s why. I’m under the sun, I don’t have the means to improve my service. There is a lack of customers, a lack of resources, a lack of staff, etc.

How many people do you employ?

At the moment I employ only one person. First of all, I don’t have the means. I want to do well, but I lack the means. If it was okay, I was going to employ a lot of people, but alas. As I told you, if I live I will always fight.

Do you have a particular message for your fellow young girls?

I ask my fellow young women to take their destiny into their own hands. Nowadays, there is not a profession only intended for men and women. We have to work and stop criticizing each other. We women, our enemies are our fellow women. We have a weak mind and we like easy criticism. The time has come for us to fight, we must not accuse anyone.

Interview conducted by

Besseri Frédéric OUATTARA/ Banfora

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