Car accident in Freiburg currently: What happened today? The police headquarters in Freiburg provides information about police reports from today. keeps you up to date on accident, fire and crime reports in your region.
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Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district – Ehrenkirchen / Unterambringen — car driver crashes into a tree —
Freiburg (ots) –
The police have started investigations into a traffic accident that occurred on Friday, August 4th, 2023, at around 7:45 p.m., near the entrance to Unterambringen.
So far it is known that the 41-year-old driver of a red Skoda car drove on Niedermattenstraße in the industrial area of Umterambringen and turned right in the direction of Bad Krozingen.
Shortly after turning, she went off the road to the right and crashed into a tree. The driver was slightly injured.
The property damage to the car amounts to around 10,000 euros. It was no longer drivable and had to be towed.
The traffic police have started investigations into the cause of the accident – it is assumed that incorrect operation of the car led to the traffic accident.
Media inquiries please contact:
Police Headquarters [email protected]
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Original content from: Freiburg Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
This report was sent by the police headquarters in Freiburg on August 4th, 2023 at 8:21 am.
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Accident statistics and casualties in road traffic
There has been a slight upward trend in the traffic accidents recorded by the police throughout Germany in recent years. A total of 2,406,465 road accidents were recorded in 2022, compared to 2,314,938 cases in 2021 and 2,245,245 cases in 2020. This trend can also be observed in the number of accidents involving personal injury. In 2022, for example, there were 289,672 accidents in which people were injured, and a total of 2,788 people were killed. In 2021, 2,562 fatalities were recorded out of 258,987 accidents involving personal injury.
+++ Editorial note: This text was created automatically on the basis of current data from the blue light report from the press portal and crime statistics from the BKA. Original content from: “Notification provider”, transmitted by news aktuell: To the press portal report. In order to inform you as quickly as possible, these texts are automatically generated and randomly checked. If you have any comments or questions, please contact +++
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#Blue #light #report #Freiburg #August #4th #BreisgauHochschwarzwald #district #Ehrenkirchen #Unterambringen #car #driver #crashes #tree