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Captured on video the attack on a 65-year-old Asian woman in New York | Univision News Edicion Digital

a building in manhattan. theauthorities are looking for the aggressor.I clarify that the imagesthey are quite, quite strong.capture the moment when aattacker brutally beatan Asian woman who walkedto his church in townfrom New York. the 65-year-old womanyears I was going down 43rd streetMonday at noon when theman approached her and kicked herin the stomach throwing it to theground while I threwantiastic statements.according to the images a maninside the vestibule,apparently stopped whatI was doing to see theaggression.two more men entered thescene. one of them closed thedoor and as incredible asit seems, they won’t try to help her.the attacker yells at theictima: you don’t belong here. andthen he leaves, when the womanlies helpless. This is thesubject who are looking for theauthorities the working groupspread the video and wroteaccording to the website of thebuilding manager, thestaff who witnessed it wassuspended pending ainvestigation. the victim whosuffered a pelvic fracturewas transferred to the hospital ofthe university of new york,where the authorities know,it is stable.listen to this data, thepolice department of thenew york city they saythere have been 33 hate crimes inso far this year and regarding thelast incident, theauthorities ask allperson with informationRegarding this, what is

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