Home » today » News » Captivating Photos of Northern Lights Over Val-Suzon, Côte-d’Or – Witnessed and Captured by Nicolas Drouhin

Captivating Photos of Northern Lights Over Val-Suzon, Côte-d’Or – Witnessed and Captured by Nicolas Drouhin

This is the fourth time this year that the Northern Lights have appeared in the sky over Côte-d’Or. This Sunday, September 24, amateur photographer Nicolas Drouhin was able to take magnificent photos of the phenomenon above Val-Suzon, near Dijon.

It’s a breathtaking spectacle. A night blue, starry sky, covered in orange and pink hues, all on the outskirts of Dijon (Côte-d’Or), above Val-Suzon. Spectator of this unique natural phenomenon: Nicolas Drouhin.

A photography enthusiast who immortalizes the most beautiful landscapes of Burgundy and shares them, for us, the lucky ones, on her social networks. This is the fourth time this year that he has observed and captured the Northern Lights with his lens.

“I had to wait two and a half hours under the stars to see it, but what a joy it was to see a new aurora borealis appear and dance in front of you, at one o’clock in the morning”writes Nicolas Drouhin on his Instagram account.

The photographer had come to admire the Milky Way and shooting stars on the heights of Val-Suzon, 20 minutes from his home, when the natural phenomenon began. “Large glows of deep red appeared and instantly captivated me. It only lasted five minutes but it was of rare intensity”.

The Northern Lights in the sky of Côte-d’Or • © Nicolas Drouhin / Instagram

On social networks, the publication was obviously widely commented on. With nearly 200 likes on Instagram and won over Internet users. “Nice work! Plus with this clear sky, magnificent!”writes another Nicolas.

► ALSO READ: PHOTOS. The Northern Lights return to Côte-d’Or and more beautiful than ever

Under the three photos published, the “stunning”, “Magnificent” et “Magic” multiply. This is therefore the fourth time that the phenomenon has been observed in Côte-d’Or. And even the second time in less than a week. Because the last Northern Lights in the sky date from last Monday, September 18, with hues leaning more towards purple this time.

Northern lights in the Dijon sky. • © Nicolas Drouhin

Nicolas Drouhin had already enjoyed the show and shared it with us on his social networks.

In 2023, many northern lights could be observed in France. A phenomenon that is usually rare for us. At issue: the solar cycle, lasting around eleven years, which will reach its peak in 2025.

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