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Captivating Fiction Books for Your Reading List

An attitude of eggs – Mónica Borda

In life, good intentions are not enough to achieve your dreams, it is also necessary to have a tough attitude. Your thoughts do not define you, stop living at the mercy of them and begin to enjoy the freedom and well-being that you have desired so much.

Discover with Mónica Borda what habits hinder your happiness and how to incorporate small but effective actions to combat them.

Love experiment in New York – Elena Armas

Rosie is desperate. She has only eight weeks to write a romance novel amidst her creative block. And on top of her, the bathroom ceiling has collapsed in front of her nose. Luckily, she is able to escape to Lina’s apartment while she is away. But what Rosie doesn’t know is that Lucas, her best friend’s cousin who she’s been stalking on Instagram, will also be staying there. So this Spanish gentleman will offer to share her apartment and propose a strange experiment so that he can find her inspiring muse.

Thirty speaks to me about love – Alessandra N. Varela

Thirty appears one day announcing that she is Anamaría in the future, talking about a strange love and young people who must be saved. Anamaría may only be thirteen years old, but she is no fool. Although Thirty seems harmless, she is a stranger. And girls have to watch out for strangers. Especially in the 90s. Especially in her beloved Ciudad Juárez. Where the disappearance of women and girls has become so frequent that everyone’s biggest fear is becoming “found.” Anamaría has been having deadly, feverish dreams lately; it is a city marked by tragedy. What difference does a sad girl give?

We dance on hell – Marcos Bueno

When Óliver wakes up in the bathroom of a nightclub, he senses that his life has just changed. He has no idea how much. Now a monstrous shadow stalks him in the corners, whispering that it will be with him forever, and the guilt of what has happened to him weighs on his soul. But he believes that he has found a way to get rid of all that. Thus he begins his journey. To England. To Connor. To the recital of his dreams. But, above all, to the legendary Devil’s Dyke. Where he will bury the only thing left of his abuser.

Land in our pockets – Laura G. Miranda

Who is in control when the present is broken into pieces? A novel by Laura G. Miranda about universal feelings and decisions. It is life in its extremes. It is the best kiss and the most difficult duel. It is the brilliance and shadows of those who constitute it.

It is an alternative to take one day at a time, love and smile again.

If you want to win one of these books, write to me at [email protected]



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2023-10-14 00:27:35
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