The VIII Spelling Contest, organized by the newspaper LA NACIÓN, once again captivated the Huila students. The event, aimed at promoting reading and writing in children and adolescents of the department, chose the best in the primary, basic and secondary categories.
The final of the Spelling Bee in its eighth version was a complete spelling madness. The little ones measured their listening and grammar skills to position themselves as the most clever in the contest. The jurors found well-prepared boys and girls with perfect scores in the midst of the competition that sought to highlight learning and the reading habit in children.
The difficult words were evaluated by the jury made up of Claudia Medina, manager of the LA NACIÓN Information Group; Octavio Bermúdez Ahumada from the Educational Services area of Comfamiliar Huila; Gina Cecilia Morales, KOE Regional Director; Luisa Fernanda Suarez, psychologist at FET University; and Brian Venera Pontón, literature editor representing the Huila Culture Secretariat.
The contest was possible thanks to the support of Electrohuila, Comfamiliar, KOE, the FET and LA NACIÓN.