Home » Health » Captain of the Physical Medicine Syndicate: The increase in the number of graduates is the reason for the postponement of designation of medical colleges

Captain of the Physical Medicine Syndicate: The increase in the number of graduates is the reason for the postponement of designation of medical colleges

said Dr. Sami Saad, Captain Physical therapyThe specification for graduates of medical colleges (physical medicine – human medicine – dentistry – nursing – pharmacists) has become in line with the needs of the labor market, and is not mandatory for all graduates of different types of colleges medical.

Saad, in exclusive statements to Al-Youm Al-Sabea, said: The problem is due to the large number of institutions Physical therapy colleges The number of them has now reached 75 colleges between the government, private, private and foreign, indicating that the large number of colleges will soon create unemployment, indicating that the profession of physical therapy is one of the prestigious medical professions in Egypt, and it sends out workers with prestigious skills abroad as it is a leading country in the field of physical therapy.

He noted Physical therapy captainSo that the numbers increase year after year, so the Minister of Health met with the unions and the assignment committee, and all the issues were presented in a positive way, and we found that there was a need assigned to be in accordance with the needs of nature. of the work, adding: We presented to the Ministry of Health our vision 2030 in the future, which is the best strategic planning vision regarding the needs of the labor market reach a clear vision when you set out the decision to meet the needs of the country in the next level of physical therapy, especially since large numbers of students enroll in the study of physical therapy outside of Egypt, “Jordan, Libya , Turkey, and others.” the certificate, they also return to ask for their rights, as their colleagues inside Egypt, say: The decision will start this year, and it was the batch 2022 the last batch fully assigned.

2024-08-17 17:35:00

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