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Captain Marcos of the EZLN speaks on capitalism and technology

After asking to what extent or to what extent the technologies of modernity already control, or do not, artistic creation and scientific research?, Captain Marcos of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), stated that “the system has convinced to the ‘majorities’ that, without it, without capitalism, humanity is impossible.”

In a statement released this Friday, he also asked: “Do the arts and sciences depend on the technologies of modernity? That is, if there is no internet, applications, cell phones, tablets and computers, Artificial Intelligence, energy from fossil fuels, etc. Is dramatic art possible? The painting? The music? The dance? The sculpture? Literature? The cinema? The sciences?”

The arts, he added, “were not born with the system that now strangles all of humanity, but perhaps it is already a ‘paradigm change’ (an alibi par excellence for surrendering).”

He pointed out that “it is not about redirecting, with the explosion of a nuclear device, an asteroid so that it crashes and destroys the Hubble Telescope: or about setting fire to or looting scientific research centers (organized crime and governments are already taking care of that). and those who jump from science to politics).

In that case, he asserted, “I am sure that the entire scientific community would unite if someone even tried to end the research structure; threaten its members; file criminal complaints against them; or hooking scientific research to a partisan political project, right? (ah, isn’t my sarcasm subtle?)

He added: “I am referring, however, to an extreme situation, where these resources are impossible to obtain, or there are many difficulties in accessing them. What will happen to the sciences and the arts, as well as to the people who are committed to them?

Marcos explained what the theme of The Storm and the Day After consists of, which will be discussed in the International Meetings of Rebellions and Resistance 2024-2025, which have been convened by the Collective Assemblies of Zapatista Autonomous Governments (Acegaz), the Zapatista communities and the EZLN.

Now, he continued, “you may think that this scenario is not even possible, and that it is nothing more than a bad script for a bad science fiction movie – ‘science fiction’: an oxymoron, like ‘honest politician’. . Ok, okay, continue on your stage, easel, 8k screen, digital platform, laboratory, academy.”

He stressed: “I am sure that you have hard data – proven studies, simulation models, counting of non-renewable resources, consumption and replacement trends – that this scenario is ‘very unlikely’ – along with global warming, climate change, wars of reconquest, environmental pollution, genocides like the current one in Palestine; and that it has access to completely reliable surveys that show that people are satisfied with their current standard of living (so the possible emergence of uprisings, riots, insurrections, protests, looting, revolts is also remote).” He concluded: “Ok, I don’t contradict you.

You have renown and position in the Arts and Sciences, and I am just a poor infantry captain, now assigned to the area of ​​’Wedding Invitations, Baptisms, First Communion, Divorces, Reunions, XV years and… Encounters.'”

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#Captain #Marcos #EZLN #speaks #capitalism #technology

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