The Tar which requires the Sports Justice to show that famous document, asked countless times by the capital gains trial defensesThis is very important news. And not because it gives Juventus the opportunity to play the trump card to cancel the sentence (it is not said that it is decisive, let’s say it is a bit like when they send the referee to the Var). Rather why it is a dry and severe blow on the fingers of sporting justice. In fact, the Administrative Tribunal calls upon the sports courts to exercise justice more coherently with the Constitution and the principles of due process, without diverting towards that secret and private procedure witnessed (so to speak) on 20 January and of which it is read in the following motivations. Sports justice has its sacrosanct autonomy, but within the limits of constitutional rights, to which the Coni Code of Justice for Sport also makes extensive and exhaustive references. For example: there is no need to “be quick” at the expense of “certainty” which instead serves for a conviction. And the right to defense cannot be violated in any way. The Tar ruling sounds like a warning to those who think that, within the sporting justice system, everything is allowed in the name of autonomy and associative principles.
The choice of the FIGC: does not appear at the College of Guarantee
Just as the choice of the Football Association of can be interesting fail to appear at the Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport against the Juventus appeal. In short, the FIGC will be a spectator and Torsello’s sentence will be defended by the Attorney General of Sport: formally an elegant choice to once again demonstrate the autonomy of the Federal Courts, but which in essence he sees the FIGC take a step back with respect to a story involving misconduct, but technically it does not violate any of its rules (there is no one on capital gains, as repeatedly emphasized by President Gravina and by Minister Abodi himself). As with the so-called secret card, this is not a Juventus victory, but a very important political signal.

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Prisma investigation, here is a first victory: the Tar agrees with the black and whites