(ANSA) – ROME, 23 JAN – “If you were to meet Agnelli, would you pull his ears? I don’t know if I’d find my ears in the midst of all that beard, so I’d leave it alone. I’d thank him for what he did in the early years at Juve, for the championships won, also thanks to the help of Marotta. I would tell him that he did wrong to surround himself with a series of people”. Thus Giovanni Cobolli Gigli, former president of Juventus in the immediate post Calciopoli era, spoke to Radio Anch’io Sport on the 15 penalty points inflicted on Juventus. UEFA front, what to expect? “A rigid attitude from UEFA. Evelina Christllin, a member of the FIFA council with UEFA quotas and a Juventus fan, said it was a heavy blow, that we must start again with our heads down, but she too pointed out that a series of things that have led her to distance herself from the Juventus management. So it is clear that things have been done that should not have been done and that an important person like Marotta has been missing. I don’t want to deify him, but he was able to manage well the sports sector”. “History repeats itself – adds Cobolli Gigli – in the sense that Juve could be subject to penalties like with Calciopoli, but here the arguments are completely different: Calciopoli investigated the unhealthy relationships between the teams and the referees, here instead it is a which concerns capital gains. We are waiting for the FIGC Court of Appeal to release its appeal to understand the reasons why only Juve received 15 penalty points and the other teams did not”. “Meanwhile – he adds – Juve has appealed to Coni, which may give results, but it won’t change the penalty, that is, it will only be able to cancel or keep it. Or, as the lawyer Cantamessa says and I trust him, it can be postponed the judgment for a new trial to the Court. Then there are other unpleasant things to hear: the speech on salaries also affects the penalty, waiting for UEFA to pronounce itself. The new Juventus board of directors is certainly invested by various very difficult problems. The most worrying thing concerns the salary maneuver, because there could be false accounting”. (HANDLE).