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capacity and hours allowed in all the municipalities of Galicia

The president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, spoke this morning to the media to explain how will the de-escalation of this second wave of the coronavirus be in Galicia. After the mobility restrictions and the closure of the hotel industry in November, the regional government has decided to gradually ease these limitations.

Feijóo detailed how the restrictions will be in the hospitality industry. At maximum level, following the Carballiño model, 50% of the terraces will be allowed to be used until 5:00 p.m.. It applies to municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants with a cumulative incidence of 14 days equal to or greater than 250. The groups will be a maximum of four people, cohabiting or non-cohabiting. The municipalities of Pontevedra, Poio, Marín, O Grove, Sanxenxo, Carballo, A Laracha, Tui, Ponteareas, Moaña, Vilalba, Narón, Redondela, O Porriño, Cambados and As Pontes will be affected by this measure.

The next level of restrictions for hospitality, Medium-high level, will be applied to councils with more than 10,000 inhabitants with incidence between 150 and 250 to 14 days. Contemplate the opening of stores with 30% capacity indoors and 50% outdoors until 5:00 p.m. Again, the maximum number of people will be four. This group includes the municipalities of Ferrol and its area, Vigo and its area, Vilagarcía, Vilanova, Lugo, Lalín, Cangas, Coristanco, Cabana, Malpica, Ponteceso, Muxía, Meis, Meaño, Cee, Dumbría, Oroso, Vimianzo, Ribadavia, Xinzo and Vilaboa.

At medium level, which includes territories with an incidence of between 100 and 150 per 100,000 inhabitants, the hotel business will be opened with 40% capacity indoors and 50% outdoors and until 11pm. The maximum number of groups will be six people. The municipalities included are A Coruña, Arteixo, Oleiros, Cambre, Culleredo, Burela, Laxe, Silleda, Soutomaior, Pontecaldelas, Barro and Cerdedo-Cotobade.

Finally, the lowest level, the so-called basic, affects municipalities without mobility limitations. It will allow the opening of the 50% of the capacity inside the premises and 75% outside until 23.00 hours up to a maximum of six people per group. It will be applied in Santiago, Ames, Teo, Ourense, Barbadás, Pereiro de Aguiar, A Estrada, Ares and those not mentioned.

The phases, in detail

High level

  • Councils of more than 10,000 inhabitants with an incidence of 250 or more inhabitants per 100,000 to 14 days.
  • Terraces at 50% and indoor closure.
  • Hours: until 5:00 p.m.
  • Maximum of four people.
  • It is applied in Pontevedra, Poio, Marín, O Grove, Sanxenxo, Carballo, A Laracha, Tui, Ponteareas, Moaña, Vilalba, Narón, Redondela, O Porriño, Cambados and As Pontes.

Medium-high level

  • Councils of more than 10,000 inhabitants with an incidence between 150 and 250 in the last 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants.
  • 30% capacity indoors and 50% on terraces.
  • Maximum of four people.
  • Hours: until 5:00 p.m.
  • It is applied in Ferrol, Fene, Neda, Vigo, Mos, Nigrán, Gondomar, Vilagarcía, Vilanova, Lugo, Lalín, Cangas, Coristanco, Cabana, Malpica, Ponteceso, Muxía, Meis, Meaño, Cee, Dumbría, Oroso, Vimianzo, Ribadavia , Xinzo and Vilaboa.

Medium level

  • Concellos with a 14-day incidence of between 100 and 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
  • Hospitality at 40% capacity indoors and 50% outdoors.
  • Maximum of six people.
  • Hours: until 11:00 p.m.
  • It is applied in A Coruña, Arteixo, Oleiros, Cambre, Culleredo, Burela, Laxe, Silleda, Soutomaior, Pontecaldelas, Barro and Cerdedo-Cotobade.

Basic level

  • Councils with an incidence of less than one hundred people per 100,000 inhabitants.
  • Hospitality with a capacity of 50% indoors and 75% on terraces.
  • Maximum groups of six people.
  • Hours: until 11:00 p.m.
  • It is applied in Santiago, Ames, Teo, Ourense, Barbadás, Pereiro de Aguiar, A Estrada, Ares and those not mentioned.

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