Home » World » Capaccio Paestum, construction of the new railway underpass begins

Capaccio Paestum, construction of the new railway underpass begins

The ceremony for handing over the areas to the company that will build the railway underpass took place today Capaccio Paestum. The project, called “Alternative road system to the level crossing at the Paestum railway station“, is financed by the Campania Region for 7 million euros. The realization of the work, it was underlined, «it will bring multiple benefits, including: the direct reaching of the archaeological area of ​​Paestum of the vehicular flow coming from the State Road 18 and the reconnection of users residing both in the capital and on the road stretch between via Ponte Marmoreo and via Capaccio Paestum».

Not only that: the underpass will allow to decongest the vehicular flow in Capaccio Scalo and Santa Venere and to give the archaeological area of ​​Paestum a greater tourist value given by the infrastructural equipment which will allow users to reach the station, the car parks, the area archaeological and other related services.

«Today is a historic day for our Capaccio Paestum – said the mayor Franco AlfieriAfter more than twenty years of waiting, the railway underpass will connect the internal part of the territory to the one closest to the coast. The work will also be useful for tourists and will give greater impetus to the archaeological park, because it will make access to the archaeological area easier via State Road 18. The construction of the underpass required a great deal of work. But, despite a long and complex process, with determination and courage we never gave up, obtaining important funding from the Campania Region, for which I thank the president Vincenzo De Luca and the regional councilor Luca Cascone, and overcoming all the bureaucratic obstacles that came our way. Thanks also go to our offices and the Superintendency for the important work carried out. Now the goal is to move forward quickly to complete the work as soon as possible».

#Capaccio #Paestum #construction #railway #underpass #begins
– 2024-04-22 16:20:54

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