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CapAccess, BMCI details its offer

On March 5, an agreement was signed between the Mohammed VI Fund for Investment (FM6I), Tamwilcom and Moroccan banks, officially inaugurating CapAccess. This new financial product, specifically designed for Moroccan companies, aims to facilitate the financing of their investment projects thanks to a subordinated debt mechanism coupled with traditional bank debt.

CapAccess is the result of a collaboration between FM6I, Tamwilcom, and Moroccan banks, and is positioned as an essential tool in the national strategy aimed at boosting investments. It offers a solution to the undercapitalization of SMEs by allowing them to obtain bank financing in a more accessible manner, without requiring a concomitant increase in their equity.

Offered by BMCI, CapAccess combines a subordinated loan called “Junior credit” representing up to one third of the total amount of the loan, and a “senior bank loan” which covers at least the remaining two thirds. This initiative targets Moroccan companies generating an annual turnover of 10 to 500 million dirhams and operating in specific sectors.

The advantages of CapAccess include an attractive rate of 5.5% excluding tax for Junior credit, an extended maturity of three years compared to senior credit (up to a maximum of 12 years), as well as a double repayment deferral of that of senior credit, which can last up to five years. The amount of Junior credit can reach up to 30 million dirhams.

Additionally, CapAccess is compatible with other government support programs available to eligible businesses. An environmental, social and governance (ESG) impact assessment is also planned to support SMEs in carrying out projects with a positive impact and promoting sustainable development.

With CapAccess, BMCI, a subsidiary of the BNP Paribas Group, reinforces its commitment to supporting the development of Moroccan businesses by offering them favorable conditions for their growth.

#CapAccess #BMCI #details #offer
– 2024-04-15 09:00:55

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