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Canyoning, enjoying the water in the mountain rivers of Jaén

Canyoning in Jaén. PHOTOS: Aventura Sport

Jaén is a place to enjoy nature and water, especially in the summer months. Although the temperatures are high, too, in the summer there are several options to enjoy the Inner Paradise. Jaén reservoirs are a good way to do it with your kayaks, for example, or rafting in the Alto Guadalquivir. But there is another way, too, different and very fun to do it. And it is canyoning. Of course, it cannot be done at any point. Specifically, in Jaén there are two authorized areas in the Natural Park of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas: they are the Utrero gates in the heart of this green lung of Spain, and on the Guadalentín river, very close to the municipality from Pozo Alcón.

It is a pure adrenaline activity, with rappels of up to 15 meters and vertical jumps into pools from several meters in height, so the minimum age for its practice in the case of the Cerrada del Utrero is 7 years and 12 years , for the Guadalentín where the level is somewhat higher. Active tourism in this Biosphere reserve when the sun and the heat press taking advantage of the resources that nature offers.

The descent in the Cerrado del Utrero is possibly the most famous canyon descent in the province of Jaén because its difficulty allows you to enjoy each and every meter of your journey. It has a complexity of II within the seven levels of difficulty in which canyoning is quantified. Located about 14 kilometers from the source of the Guadalquivir river, it consists of several pools with a height of between four and fifteen meters. The most positive thing is that the technical difficulty is progressive, which allows gradual learning during the descent, which makes it more enjoyable and fun to complete the entire route.

The closed of Guadalentín is pure adrenaline. In fact, it is recommended and recommended that athletes already initiated by its complexity and difficulty perform it. Its beauty and majesty in a canyon excavated by the river next to the La Bolera reservoir where natural showers abound with slides, jumps, slopes, siphons or block chaos, and where the rocks almost closed over the heads, with several dozen meters high, in a unique activity. A tour that ends in a large puddle that can be jumped through various points. Canyoning is undoubtedly one of the great activities of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas natural park that you cannot stop practicing this summer in the green lung of the province.

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