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Canton Auch 3: working-class districts at the gates of the future Astarac PNR

the essential
Outgoing councilor Cathy Daste-Leplus, this time associated with Camille Bonne (PS), faces three lists (environmentalist, PCF and LREM) in a township that is both rural and urban.

Outgoing departmental councilor and deputy mayor of Auch (responsible for public tranquility and neighborhood life), Cathy Daste-Leplus makes her experience an asset. “I am“ the one before ”but also the one who leans“ towards the after ”. Claude Bourdil (his former partner in this canton, Editor’s note) accompanied me at the start of our mandate and it is now my turn to guide Camille who brings, among other things, her knowledge of the health sector. “

” Popular education “

Former rugby player (Federal 1 in Strasbourg during his studies), physiotherapist for the French weightlifting team and member of the Gascon Judo club, the Auscitain has a sporting profile… all categories. “I have known the high level but sport for all interests me just as much, especially nowadays, with a youth addicted to screens”, emphasizes Camille Bonne. Culture and sport, inseparable from a “popular education” to which the “Gers en commun” duo is very attached. “This will be the meaning of the Department’s second Marshall Plan, if the ballot box is favorable to us. It is vital to reweave social ties after years of crisis: terrorist attacks, health and economic crises… And small rural associations as well as the largest in the city are an essential link to achieve this, ”emphasizes Cathy Daste-Leplus.

With 12,321 inhabitants spread over 9 municipalities, Auch 3 is one of the three cantons to bear the capital of Gers within the departmental assembly. It is also the most populous of the three “Auscitan” cantons.
DR – CD32

On the side of the PCF, Serge Gonzalez warns about “the distress of people of the third age”. “We want a more social policy, closer to the people. And this involves in particular a large public health service, endowed with sufficient funds to support the loss of autonomy of the elderly ”, judges the former railway worker. It supports the Department’s project to “pay doctors to intervene in the rural world”.

“Ecological transition”

On the side of the “Gers naturally”, the stated objective is not to “run for the presidency” (with only 4 EELV pairs present in 17 cantons) but “to bring a greener note” to the projects voted by the future. departmental assembly. “21st century solutions,” specifies Philippe Le Goanvic. For example, we agree to better secure the RN21 but a 2×2 lane project seems to us to be from the past century. We must take back the train, focus on initiatives like those of Rézo Pouce (hitchhiking network deployed in conjunction with public authorities, Editor’s note). Ten years ago, no one spoke of AMAPs, today they are part of everyday life… ”

His partner, Caroline Boucher, evokes an “interesting territory to develop, with a rapid transition between urban and rural” where “ecological transition is inseparable from social action”. The duo also highlights their wish to support the switch to organic farming, “quickly but well, without stigmatizing farmers”. On the town planning side, he wants to “limit urban sprawl” in favor of “densification of the heart of the villages”. Philippe Le Goanvic, who teaches at the Carnot college, also wants to “take advantage of the available roof surfaces of the colleges to install photovoltaic panels and ensure the autonomy of the establishments”.

Time for “renewal”?

Still on the aspect of ecological transition, Bertrand Gonthiez (LREM) pleads for the development of a “water pact” at the level of the department. “Without water, there is no biodiversity and no agriculture. Consultation is the only way forward and that is why all the players in the territory must sit around the table: farmers, industrialists, environmental associations, etc. ”, explains the hydrogeologist, head of the“ Gers Avenir ”list. .

A list that focuses on “renewal”, supported by MP Cazeneuve and Senator Duffourg … more marked on the right. “This support goes beyond political labels to advance Auch and our municipalities,” pleads Bertrand Gonthiez. The aids and mechanisms put in place by the State, in particular with the Recovery Plan, are underused, in Auch and in the department. And we want to be effective relays with elected officials and inhabitants of the canton. “

Le Garros: a district in full transformation

Begun in 2017, the urban renewal of the Grand Garros has entered a new phase since the start of the year. The “City Policy” program enables Auch to benefit from a contribution from the State, via the ANRU (National Urban Renovation Agency) of € 34.5 million. The public housing office of Gers (OPH 32) is continuing a vast renovation operation, in particular energy with insulation from the outside of facades, buildings and development of the surroundings. 38 buildings are concerned for an operating cost of € 21 million.

The emblematic and colorful Tower A of the Garros during demolition operations last May.

The emblematic and colorful Tower A of the Garros during demolition operations last May.

Demolitions are also on the program: after tower A, buildings C, D, G, H and R (in part) must be dismantled. In 2023, it will be the turn of buildings E, T and I. Then, the following year, the Athos tower, the highest in the district, will be demolished. “I have lived in this neighborhood for 20 years, I appreciate it and I see it changing for the better,” says Cathy Daste-Leplus (departmental majority). I believe in structuring, concerted policies that bring real transformation. They are part of time. “

The same goes for Serge Gonzalez (PCF): “The neighborhood was closed in on itself, it is opening up and revitalizing itself. And this is changing the way people look at the Garros and its inhabitants. Auch is on the right track, she is transforming and gaining in attractiveness. “

Always “landlocked”

For Bertrand Gonthiez (LREM), Le Garros is still “too isolated, away from the dynamism of the city center”. “Forgotten for too long, this district must be better connected: it must benefit from the heart of the city and vice versa. And this involves, in particular, the development of cycle lanes. The future of the Garros must also be built in adaptation to the challenges of climate change. “

The EELV candidate, Philippe Le Goanvic, calls for “a redesign of the travel plan” in the district, to “think in terms of soft mobility rather than transit” and to direct aid to “promote the eco -design ”.

At the Garros, work is going well. But the debates are far from over …

The four pairs of candidates

Serge Gonzalez, PCF

Serge Gonzalez, PCF

Julie Aguinalin, PCF

Julie Aguinalin, PCF

The pair of incumbent communist candidates is made up of Julie Aguinalin, 39, consultant and Serge Gonzalez, 67, retired railway worker, municipal councilor in Auch. They are accompanied by Céline Ravagnani, 39, social worker, and Philippe Cibin, 61-year-old local technician.

Bertrand Gonthiez, Gers Avenir.

Bertrand Gonthiez, Gers Avenir.

Sophie Mallet, Gers Avenir.

Sophie Mallet, Gers Avenir.

The departmental referent of La République En Marche (LREM), Bertrand Gonthiez, a 46-year-old hydrogeologist, is campaigning with Sophie Mallet, 32, a health professional. Their replacements are Nicole Dardenne, 40-year-old accountant, and Daniel Marin, 49, truck driver.

Camille Bonne and Cathy Daste-Leplus, Gers in common.

Camille Bonne and Cathy Daste-Leplus, Gers in common.

The outgoing counselor Cathy Daste-Leplus introduces herself with the Auscitan physiotherapist Camille Bonne. Emmanuelle Ramounet, 41, employee in a popular education association, and Bernard Pensivy, 68, mayor of Auterrive and vice-president of Grand Auch, will be their replacements.

Philippe Le Goanvic, Le Gers of course.

Philippe Le Goanvic, Le Gers of course.

Caroline Boucher, Le Gers of course.

Caroline Boucher, Le Gers of course.

Philippe Le Goanvic is leading his third departmental campaign with Caroline Boucher, veterinarian living in the Gers since 2017. They are accompanied by Jean-Bernard Saint-Martin, 66-year-old architect, and Lucie Assemat, popular education and elderly youth advisor 29 years old.

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