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Cannabis patients | STERN.de – Any questions?


The rooster answers:
Current legal situation for cannabis patients
The law allows patients who have been prescribed medical cannabis to drive as long as they can drive the vehicle safely. What is crucial here is compliance with the doctor’s prescription. There is no general driving ban for patients taking medical cannabis. This was confirmed by the Düsseldorf Administrative Court in 2019 (VG Düsseldorf, judgment of October 24, 2019, 6 K 4574/18). The court ruled in favor of a patient whose driving license was revoked because of taking medical cannabis. The judges distinguished between legal, medically motivated and illegal use of cannabis. Anyone who consumes illegal drugs is not fit to drive. For cannabis patients, fitness to drive depends on the following criteria:
It is taken reliably as prescribed by a doctor.
No permanent performance impairments are apparent.
The underlying disease does not pose an additional risk to road safety.
The patient handles the medication responsibly.
If these requirements are met, fitness to drive can be considered given, according to the court’s decision [1].
To avoid problems during traffic controls, patients who take medical cannabis with a prescription should always carry a certificate from their doctor. Alternatively, a copy of the current regulation through which the cannabis was prescribed can also be presented.

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