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Cannabis: New THC limit in road traffic

Following the decriminalization of cannabis, regulations on road traffic are now also being introduced. A new THC limit applies and a strict ban on the mixed consumption of alcohol and cannabis.

New regulations and fines will apply to drivers who consume cannabis from this Thursday. The law, which was approved by the Bundestag and Bundesrat, was passed on Wednesday in the Federal Law Gazette announced and comes into force the following day. For the intoxicating substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a limit of 3.5 nanograms per milliliter of blood is set in Section 24a of the Road Traffic Act (StVG) similar to the 0.5 per mille limit for alcohol.

Anyone who intentionally or negligently drives with more than 3.5 ng/ml THC in their blood serum will generally face a fine of 500 euros and a driving ban of one month. The combined consumption of cannabis and alcohol is completely prohibited. In this case, a fine of 1,000 euros is threatened.

As with alcohol, cannabis is prohibited during the two-year driving license probation period and for drivers under 21 years of age, so the limit of 3.5 nanograms does not apply. Instead, the strict limit of 1.0 ng/ml THC in blood serum previously set by case law applies. Violations are punishable by a fine of 250 euros.

Rules for drivers accompany cannabis decriminalization

Since both the consumption and private cultivation of cannabis for adults have been decriminalized with many regulations since April 1st, accompanying traffic regulations are now being introduced. Until now, the strict line was that even the detection of THC could result in consequences. A value of one nanogram had been established in case law for this.

However, experts had already spoken out in favor of an “appropriate” increase at the 2022 Traffic Court Day. The value of 1.0 ng/ml is so low that many people would be sanctioned for whom a reduction in driving safety cannot be justified. However, the new regulations were also criticized by police representatives, among others.

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In force from Thursday: . In: Legal Tribune Online, 21.08.2024 , (accessed on: 22.08.2024 )

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