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Candidate from the Ostalb with Günther Jauch

Sit in the chair in front of Günther Jauch. Who hasn’t heard themselves say that at least once? Of course, this is about the TV show “Who wants to be a millionaire?”, which Jauch has been moderating since 1999.

Radio presenter Thomas Sachsenmaier from Schwäbisch Gmünd applied last year and was recently invited to Cologne. The RTL program is recorded there. Gmündener

“Who wants to be a millionaire”: Gmündener twice on TV

In the past week and on this Monday evening, Sachsenmaier was on one of the most famous chairs on German television, as a candidate on “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”. He was on the show twice because he was the overhang candidate. That means the show ended before Sachsenmaier left.

“That meant we were able to have a nice evening in Cologne. I met an old colleague there. It was a nice end to this exciting first day of shooting,” says Sachsenmaier. When he says “we” he means himself and his best friend Simon Ihlenfeldt, who owns the online advertising agency “Trickseventeen” in Straßdorf and accompanied him.

It’s a little easier on the couch

For years, the Germans have been guessing on the couch with the popular family show. And on the couch you always know quite a lot. Even then, on the chair, there’s the excitement – or the wrong topics. The 34-year-old Gmünder had to take a joker for three questions in a row quite early on.

First it was a salad dressing, then a city center of Australia and finally the transfer fee of Lionel Messi when he moved from Barcelona to Paris last summer. “I distributed my jokers quite generously,” he says with a laugh.

4.71 seconds to sit down on the famous chair

But the task is much greater, which entitles you to sit on the chair yourself in the studio. Here you have to type four possible answers into the computer as quickly as possible and in the correct order. Sachsenmaier did this in 4.71 seconds and also bought his last ticket. “That was my biggest fear, typing in that response order quickly enough. All in all, it was simply super exciting and I would advise anyone who thinks about it to register there.

You have nothing to lose, on the contrary,” said Sachsenmaier. He was also fascinated by the fact that everything was just like it was on television, with the difference that this time he was allowed to be there. In the end, however, he still made it up to a 32,000-euro question, which was which logo of a famous brand has a heart as the dot on the i? Possible answers included a dating service, a chocolate brand or the dixi toilet.

“After the elimination process, I was actually pretty sure that it would have to be the dixi toilet, but I didn’t want to gamble. So I gladly accepted the 16,000 euros because the height of the fall is enormous,” Sachsenmaier looks back. If the answer was wrong, it would have dropped to 500 euros. But the heart is actually contained in the word “Dixi”. But he wasn’t annoyed about it, the overall experience was too good.

An autograph for grandma

He also got an autograph from Günther Jauch for Ihlenfeldt’s grandmother, which he promptly assured. She is a big Jauch fan and watches almost every show.

In any case, Sachsenmaier was very impressed by what is perhaps the most famous presenter on German television. “Günther Jauch was really great, a very pleasant person.” All in all, it was a more than worthwhile trip to Cologne for the radio presenter.

Behind the big stage of “Who wants to be a millionaire?” Candidate Thomas Sachsenmaier (left) and his best friend Simon Ihlenfeldt still had time to take a few photos. (Photo: private)

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