In February, both the international day against cancer and the day of the fight against childhood cancer are commemorated. With this in mind, it is worth remembering some cancer statistics in the country: three out of 10 cancer deaths in the population aged 30 to 59 years are a consequence of cancer of the digestive organs, and the types of cancer with the highest mortality rate are lung, breast, colorectal, prostate and stomach. In the distribution by sex, it is reported that there are more recoveries in men (51%) than in women (49%) due to cancer.
Between 30 percent and 50 percent of cancers are preventable, so preventative measures need to be applied as are the HPV vaccines, hepatitis B virus, clinical studies, diagnosis and staging that help early detection, in addition to having a good diet and physical activity.
As specialists have pointed out, detected early and treated properly, the chances of recovery for various types of cancer are very good. Of the most common types of cancer, 9.85% of lung cancer patients recover, 73.4% of breast cancer patients manage to beat it, and 54.5% of prostate cancer patients reach remission.
For each type of cancer a specific treatment and protocol is necessary, which ranges from surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc.., so a correct diagnosis is essential for proper treatment to be received. It is estimated that In Mexico there are 735 surgical oncologists, 50 gynecological oncologists, 269 medical oncologists, 151 pediatric oncologists and 180 radiation oncologists. The ideal is that each doctor attends to the ailments of his specialty.
It is important to have a SGMM that offers the freedom of treatment in any hospital in its network, that has a wide network of providers, as well as including hospitalization, second opinions in case of disagreement with the first, and medicines, laboratories and cabinets that allow greater control and facilitate early diagnosis.
“At Bupa we are interested in preventing and treating cancer in Mexico, since it is the third leading cause of death in the country. As is known, early detection can save lives, so we try to share and disseminate information so that Mexicans take this into account and can be treated in time”, concluded Fernando Lledó, general director of Bupa Mexico.