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Cancer on the agenda | ABC News


We just closed the month of October, considered the pink and awareness month against breast cancer, but it will always be necessary to increase, promote and raise awareness so that self-examination campaigns are permanent for the early detection of this disease, and that the treatment and palliative care is implemented in a timely manner.

Touching yourself without fear will undoubtedly help thousands of women to prevent and fight breast cancer in time.

At the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), October 19 is the International Day to Fight Breast Cancer. It was established with the aim of creating awareness and promoting that more and more women have access to timely and effective controls, diagnoses and treatments.

However, despite every day prevention campaigns against this disease that has taken the lives of thousands of women intensify, cases of diagnosis are still being detected at an advanced stage, perhaps due to lack of knowledge, taboos, social prejudices, shame and machismo.

During 2020, in Nuevo León 485 women lost their lives due to breast cancer, this means that every 18 hours a daughter, a wife, a niece, an aunt, a grandmother died, which is sad and unfortunate.

I have experienced cancer closely in my family. I know that to face this disease you have to have strength, courage and ingenuity to get ahead. All women facing the ordeal of breast cancer are warriors.

In my management committee we have carried out medical brigades through which mammograms have been performed to facilitate access to health services for women living in District 1.

But cancer is not exclusive to women. In men, prostate cancer is considered a catastrophic disease.

On the occasion of the National Day to Fight Prostate Cancer, which is celebrated on November 29, early detection means a greater opportunity for a total cure; so it is prudent for the male population to also become aware of taking care of their health and going for an early check-up.

This cancer is a public health problem due to the number of patients who suffer from it and the resources required to treat it. In Mexico, it ranks first in cancer in men and is the leading cause of mortality.

For this reason, in the State Congress we signed the letter of commitment # ElCáncerEnLaAgenda with various civil associations, to promote actions that allow immediate attention to the shortage of oncological drugs for minors and adults nationwide; as well as defending and increasing the public budget focused on cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and research.

The commitment implies promoting actions to provide care for all types of cancer in the National Compendium of Health Supplies of the National Institute of Health for Well-being, in order to guarantee the universal right to health.

Given this scenario, I am convinced that it is time to think that Nuevo León has an oncology hospital, where all types of cancer are treated. It is an area of ​​opportunity that we have to address for the health of our community.

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