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[Cancer Killer]Hong Kong woman over 30 with unknown weight loss and fever reveals she has stage 4 lymphoma

Lymphoma is one of the top ten cancers in Hong Kong: according to data from the Hospital Authority in 2020 the incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was 1,068 and the death toll was 397, ranking eighth by incidence and mortality. Dr. Wang Shaoming, Honorary Clinical Associate Professor of Therapeutic and Internal Medicine Department, Chinese University, said in an interview with TOPick that the symptoms of lymphoma are not obvious and more examinations and tests are needed to confirm whether it is diagnosed. and biopsy is the only true method of diagnosis.

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Lymphoma can be divided into “Hodgkin’s lymphoma” and “non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma”. Dr. Wang Shaoming said in an interview that 90% of clinical patients are not Hodgkin’s. Cancers can be classified according to their rate of growth and spread, as well as the types of lymphocytes affected: low-toxic or chronic lymphomas have fewer symptoms, while highly toxic or acute lymphomas have more severe symptoms. Data from the past 20 years show that most lymphoma patients are elderly, and the overall number is slowly increasing, with an annual increase of several percentages.

Dr. Wang Shaoming emphasized that the symptoms of lymphoma are not obvious. In addition to unexplained lymph node growth, persistent fever and unexplained profuse sweating may be the first signs:

The cause of lymphoma cancer is not obvious, and individual cases can be related to certain viruses. There is no way to prevent it, and it is not easy to detect early.

Dr. Wang said that he met a patient in her 30s a few years ago. The patient was in poor health and had no obvious symptoms, had lost a lot of weight, and had a fever of unknown origin. After the examination, it was confirmed that she was suffering from stage 4 lymphoma. There were lymph nodes all over her body and hydropneumonia occurred at the same time. The treatment effect was not good and she unfortunately died after 1 or 2 years.

But dying patients aren’t without treatment options: Dr. Wang once treated a 70-year-old mother-in-law who was suffering from stage IV lymphoma. The mother-in-law herself thought she was old and in poor health, and her condition had become much worse when she came to seek medical treatment. The mother-in-law initially insisted on drinking Chinese medicine for conditioning, but after some persuasion, she finally was willing to receive treatment. The recovery process was good. After 3 years of treatment, she has recovered and can continue to take care of herself and take care of her family. Dr. Wang said it’s not impossible for older patients to get treatment:

Lymphoma can have different treatment methods in different situations and it changes with each passing day. In order to bring out a positive message, patients can have many treatment options, and the healing effect is also good. I hope patients can be more positive.

Dr. Wang also pointed out that the oldest patient he has ever met, a 90-year-old mother-in-law, also received chemotherapy.

To determine if lymphoma is present, patients must undergo multiple examinations and tests to confirm the diagnosis, including blood tests, X-rays, computed tomography scans to check for enlarged lymph nodes in the body, and biopsies such as MRIs and lymphography It is the most true and unique way of diagnosis. When lymphoma patients are detected at a very early stage, they may undergo radiation therapy (commonly known as electrotherapy), while the main methods of treatment are chemotherapy plus immunotherapy and stem cell or bone marrow transplantation.

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Responsible editor: Chen Haolin

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